I'm editing this again! Peace!
[You have Attained a new Tale! Rule Ender!]
[You have Attained a new Tale! Unbreakable!]
"This was when…"
'*When the mirage of the Dragon was broken. Rule Ender for its destruction, Unbreakable for resisting its influence?*'
'A Dragon's power sure was impressive, but it felt lackluster for there to be such a reaction…'
"What you saw was merely a fragment of their ability. And even then, it was incomplete."
"True Dragons could curse entire bloodlines for eternity if they wished to, just like Apoprita did with me."
"I don't know if I ever had any descendants, much less if I have any family out there but I must've, even if distant. I hope they didn't have to go through this as well."
"Well… If there were any other immortals, there would've likely been rumors about it."
Duran didn't reply.
"... Next."