Michael (3)

As Michael stood in line at the bustling WcDonald's, the tantalizing aroma of sizzling burgers and golden, crispy fries wafted through the air.

The hum of animated conversations melded with the occasional beep of the cash register, creating a symphony of sounds that enveloped him. After a short wait, he finally reached the gleaming counter.

The attentive woman behind the register greeted him with a warm smile. "How may I assist you today, sir?"

"I'd like to order a combo meal to go," Michael replied, his voice steady and composed.

"Certainly," the woman responded. "Which combo meal would you like to order?"

"I'd like the Oreo Sundae Combo. Could I have two Oreo sundaes included in the combo?" Michael inquired.

"Absolutely!" the woman confirmed enthusiastically. "Two Oreo sundaes are included in the combo. What size would you like for your fries?"

"I'll have two large fries," Michael decided, his gaze lingering on the extensive menu.

"Excellent choice," the woman remarked. "And for the sandwiches, which option would you prefer?"

"I'll go with two chicken sandwiches," Michael responded confidently.

The woman nodded in approval. "Great choice! So, to summarize, you'd like the Oreo Sundae Combo with two Oreo sundaes, two large fries, and two chicken sandwiches, is that correct?"

"Yes, that's correct," Michael affirmed.

"Perfect," the woman said, her smile unwavering. "Will that be all for your order?"

"Yes, that's everything," Michael replied.


Michael pressed the doorbell and gracefully entered the house, ascending to the second floor with purpose. As he approached a specific door, he knocked gently upon its surface.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

The door swung open, unveiling a woman whose fury was unmistakable. Her eyes blazed with hostility as she inquired frostily, "What brings you here?"

"Sorry for my earlier behavior, Sister Grace," Michael said calmly, reflecting on his mother's words. 'My mother said I should apologize, or she'll be the one to choose my next haircut, which is kind of terrifying.'

"Do you truly believe that your simple words—" Her voice tapered off as her gaze fell upon the food he was cradling. She stared at the meal, her anger seemingly dissipating in an instant.

Suppressing a chuckle, Michael maintained his poise as he presented her with the delectable combo meal.

Grace eyed him for a moment before snatching the food from his hand. She closed the door, leaving Michael to walk away.

Suddenly, the door opened again, and she said, "Apology accepted," before closing it once more.

Michael offered a faint smile before proceeding to another door, where he knocked gently.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

Almost immediately, a woman's voice beckoned, "Come in."

Upon opening the door, Michael was greeted by the sight of a woman perched in front of a sleek computer setup.

She cast a cursory glance at him before her eyes settled on the tantalizing meal he clutched in his hands.

"Is that for me, brother?" She inquired, her playful smile emerging as she set her high tech pink headset aside and gracefully approached him.

With a subtle nod, Michael handed her the food, to which she responded, "Hehe. Thank you, Brother."

"Sister Ashley, are you still involved in that… ah, yes, the Meowtuber thingy?" Michael inquired.

Suddenly, Ashley gripped his shoulder and ushered him out of her room.

"Oh, I almost forgot I'm still live! Thanks for the food, brother. Now, Shoo! Shoo!" she exclaimed, closing the door behind him with a soft click.

Michael's eyebrow twitched involuntarily in response to her remarks, and he let out a weary sigh as he made his way to the sanctuary of his room.


The sudden chime of his cellphone startled him. Retrieving it from his pocket, Michael's eyes narrowed as he read the incoming message.

Andrei: Bro! You need to come here ASAP! ヘ⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ω⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠)

Michael: What's going on?

Andrei: Christian needs some love advice, and you're our resident expert in that department.

A new message appeared, this time from Christian himself.

Christian: Michael! I desperately need your help!

The corner of his mouth quirked up involuntarily, a wry smile forming as he mused, 'Why do they regard me as some sort of guru? My romantic history only includes one ex-girlfriend!' Casting a glance at the clock, which displayed 6:12 P.M., he responded.

Michael: Where are you guys right now?

Andrei: We're hanging out in my room, where we've set up a variety of games and have some music ready to go. Christian even brought his guitar along.

Michael: Should I pick up some food on my way?

Christian: Yes, please do. I'll reimburse you when you get here.

Andrei: Grab some spicy potato chips, bro. I'll cover the cost too. Much appreciated!

Upon entering his room, he promptly sent a message to his mother.

Michael: Ma, I'm heading over to Andrei's house. I'll be back by 9:00 P.M.

Mama: All right, honey. Just be careful on your way, and if there's an emergency, call me immediately.

Michael: Will do, Ma. Thank you.

Deciding on a casual outfit, Michael put on a simple gray shirt and maroon shorts. With everything in order, he stepped outside and began his journey to Andrei's house.


As Michael rang the doorbell, the door swung open to reveal a charming little boy and an equally adorable little girl, their cheeks puffed out with unfathomable cuteness.

"Bruder Mikel!" the delightful siblings exclaimed in unison, swarming around him. Michael responded with a gentle pat on each of their heads.

Soon after, a woman with delicate wrinkles gracing her face emerged and said, "Ah, Michael, do come in. They're on the second floor."

"Good evening, Aunt Bianca," Michael greeted her, bowing slightly and extending his arm to hold the back of her hand. He pressed it to his forehead in a gesture of respect.

"May I offer some candies to the children, Aunt Bianca?" Michael inquired, as the twins gazed at their mother with pleading that had critical damaging, puppy eyes.

Aunt Bianca contemplated for a moment before letting out a resigned sigh. "Very well. What should you say, Kate and Nate?"

"Thank you, Bruder Mikel!" the twins chimed in enthusiastically, their faces lighting up as Michael handed them the candies.

A faint smile graced Michael's lips as he made his way towards the second floor.


As Michael rapped gently on the door, he carefully grasped the doorknob and eased his way into the room.

The mellifluous sound of guitar strings resonated throughout the space, harmonizing with a man's captivating, lilting voice.

"Yow," Michael greeted, placing the white plastic bag containing their favorite snacks on the desk before taking a seat beside the two men.

They momentarily halted their activities and turned to him, their faces alight with warm, welcoming smiles.

"Michael! Christian's attempting to woo Elma, and I'm not exactly an expert in giving advice. Numerous minds are certainly better than one, wouldn't you agree?" Andrei elucidated, then continued, "Jonas is unable to join us due to his overbearing parents, and said he's inept at giving advice when it comes to romantic relationship."

Michael pondered for a moment, thinking to himself, 'I'm not particularly skilled at offering romantic advice either!' He then recalled a tidbit about Elma, 'Isn't she the one rumored to be an NSFW cartoonist, specializing in Boy's Love?' He hastily dismissed the thought.

In the meantime, Christian absentmindedly stroked his cheek with a finger, the acoustic guitar cradled securely in his other hand.

Michael and Andrei directed their attention toward him.

"What seems to be the issue? After all, you're quite popular due to your melodious singing, and you possess both striking good looks and a charming personality," Michael inquired.

"We've been exchanging messages and phone calls for several months now, and I can't deny the connection I feel. However, I'm unsure why I can't seem to take it a step further and…" Christian confided, his voice trailing off.

After carefully considering Christian's predicament, Michael asked with a deadpan expression, "So, the two of you have been frequenting various eateries, exploring novel destinations together, exchanging amusing memes, and sharing updates on your daily lives? All the while, expressing genuine concern for each other's well-being? Doesn't that already sound like a relationship to you?"

Andrei stood up to retrieve some food from the white plastic bag and returned to his seat, munching slowly on Spicy Chiitos and watching them as if he were engrossed in his favorite movie.

Christian responded defensively, "Hey… don't give me that look." He then added, somewhat disheartened, "It's possible that she merely regards me as a friend and that I'm not her ideal match."

Michael mused to himself, 'Perhaps she's simply waiting for you to seize the initiative and take the next step.'

Michael suggested, "Take a moment to reflect: first, ask yourself if you genuinely love this person. If you decide to take the initiative, do so wholeheartedly, because you'll undoubtedly regret it for the rest of your life if you don't seize the opportunity. Ultimately, the decision is yours."

Christian pondered Michael's counsel, while Andrei nodded in concurrence, the crunching sound of the snack he was consuming punctuating the silence.

Michael added, "Of course, you're free to disregard my advice." He mused to himself, 'I should provide a caveat in case he takes my advice to heart and something goes awry.'

"I'll give it some thought, and thank you, Michael," Christian said with a faint smile.

As Michael offered a subtle nod of acknowledgment, Andrei chimed in with enthusiasm, "You see, Michael has an uncanny knack for providing insightful and sagacious advice."

Michael demurred, "I'm not really," as his gaze shifted towards the guitar.

Andrei pondered for a moment before suggesting, "How about we indulge ourselves in a round of Mobile Lords?"

Christian's eyes gleamed with excitement, "There's a brand new hero and a recent update to explore."

Michael declared, "Well then, I'm afraid you two will have to carry me to victory and boost my rank."

The trio of teenagers immersed themselves in a lively gaming session within the cozy confines of Andrei's room.

The rhythmic clicks of their devices melded with their infectious laughter, creating a symphony of camaraderie that resonated throughout the tranquil night.