The Landlord is Here?!?!?

Exquisite facial features, long fluttering hair, very beautiful. Along with the sight of cleavage.

At this moment, the distance between the two was less than five centimeters, Yuan Shi's lips were still kissing each other, a sweet feeling came to his mind, Yuan Shi couldn't help being a little stunned, and was reluctant to part for a while.

"You, how long are you going to ask? Let go of me!"

I don't know how long it took before I suddenly heard a clear and clear voice, as clear and sweet as silver beads falling on a jade plate, but there was some resentment and... shame in this voice!

The voice brought Yuan Shi back to reality, and he quickly let go of her, watching the immortality-like girl in front of him leave his embrace, feeling very reluctant in his heart.

At this time, the girl stood up, looking very tall, with a delicate face, fair skin, and long hair fluttering, she looked like a goddess.

It was only then that Yuan Shi was able to look at the other party carefully, but when he saw it, he was immediately shocked.

It wasn't because he was shocked by the beauty of the other party, but because he actually knew the person standing in front of him at this moment!

She looks exactly like the big star Li Hanshan!

"You, you are... Li Hanshan!" Yuan Shi blurted out and exclaimed.

Li Hanshan's face was reddish, and he tidied up his messy clothes in a panic, feeling very confused.

His first wen was snatched away by the boy in front of him, but Li Hanshan didn't feel any anger in his heart, instead... he still had some unclear thoughts.

Just when Li Hanshan was struggling in his heart, he heard Yuan Shi's exclamation at this moment, and couldn't help but give him a blank look, and said, "I am Li Hanshan! Your landlord! Could it be that a thunderbolt struck you down?" Amnesia, I don't even know me!"

"Landlord? You are my landlord!" Yuan Shi was stunned!

Isn't his landlord a fierce charter woman in her forties? How could it be this big star Li Hanshan!

"System, system, what's going on?" Yuan Shi shouted inwardly, calling for the system to come out.

[Ding! Don't be surprised by the system! Because the host was struck by lightning, his body traveled to a parallel world and was possessed by the system, that's why he came here!] a flat reply from the system came out

"That is to say... this is a parallel time and space, those people on the earth in the previous life will not appear, or... they have all deviated from the original life track?" Yuan Shi's thinking was very fast, and he figured it out in an instant here.

[Yes, Host] the system replied instantly

After hearing the system's answer, Yuan Shi finally understood why Li Hanshan became his landlord!

It turns out that this is a parallel world, and in this time and space, Li Hanshan did not become a big star, but became his own landlord!

The identity in the middle has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Yuan Shi couldn't help being a little excited when he thought that the big star in his previous life had actually become his landlord, and that he had even kissed him just now.

Li Hanshan looked at the boy in front of him. After seeing himself, he was shocked for a while and smirked for a while. He thought to himself, Yuan Shi must have been struck by lightning, and he really lost his memory!

Thinking of this, the embarrassment in Li Hanshan's heart also disappeared, and instead he said with a worried face: "Yuan Shi, are you... all right?"

Seeing the other party's concerned face, Yuan Shi recovered from his excitement and said, "It's okay! I just woke up and my head still hurts!"

After finishing speaking, looking at the delicate reddish face of the other party, and remembering his actions just now, he said a little embarrassedly: "Just now... I'm so sorry for treating you like that just now!"

"You still say!" It's okay if you don't mention it, but when I mentioned it just now, Li Hanshan felt a little ashamed and angry, and couldn't help but give the other party a blank look, and feigned shamed in anger, "You dared...that was my first... kiss!"

"Hey..." Hearing this, Yuan Shi looked at the other party's shy and angry look. Not only did he not show any anger at all, on the contrary, he was a little cute. With the idea of ​​joking in his heart, he couldn't help but said: " Isn't it because you are so beautiful! I just woke up, and suddenly saw you in front of me, and thought it was a immortality descending to earth! I couldn't help it... Not to mention, it's very sweet!"

Yuan Shi chuckled, thinking of the feeling just now, he couldn't help showing an expression of intoxication on his face.

When Yuan Shi said this, Li Hanshan felt a little embarrassed, but seeing Yuan Shi's intoxicated expression, the little girl was thin-skinned, and immediately feigned anger: "Hmph! Well, Yuan Shi, you dare to make fun of me Yes! When do you think the rent for these three months will be paid? Otherwise... I will kick you out, you rogue!"

Li Hanshan stared at his beautiful eyes, showing a pair of small canine teeth, and stretched out his small white fists, threatening.

But in Yuan Shi's view, not only is there no threat at all, but it is even more cute.

But he didn't show it, instead he pretended to beg for forgiveness: "The heroine is very merciful, please forgive me for a while!"

"Hmph! Do you know how powerful I am! If you dare to tease me again, you know the consequences!"

The little girl thought she was threatening someone, so she said proudly.

After finishing speaking, he saw that Yuan Shi seemed to be fine, and thought that he still had things to deal with, so he said, "Yuan Shi, since you are fine, you should take a good rest! I'll go back first Already!"

After finishing speaking, before Yuan Shi could speak, he turned around and planned to leave, but just as he walked to the door, Li Hanshan paused and said again: "You, if you still feel uncomfortable, please Don't hide it, just tell me, and I'll take you to the hospital!"

Saying that, he left straight away, and gently closed the door before leaving.

Watching Li Hanshan leave, Yuan Shi took a deep breath, it seemed that there was still some aura of a beautiful woman in the room, there was a faint sweet fragrance.

"I really didn't expect my landlord to be Li Hanshan..." Yuan Shi recalled the previous experience with a little playfulness, and a smile appeared on his face.

Slowly exhaling a long breath, dispelling the messy thoughts in his mind, Yuan Shi looked at the crowded hut with a firm look on his face, and secretly clenched his fists.