Yuan Shi is to be Feared!

They looked at this scene with a look of disbelief in their eyes.

They looked at the wall, the wall that was hit by the non-mainstream before, and there were some slight dents at this time, the sunken abdomen of the non-mainstream boy and the pool of blood mixed with internal organs on the ground , is also extremely visually impactful!

In an instant, these people were stunned!

"This... how this possible!"

Brother Tu was full of shock, or simply unbelievable.

"One palm... one palm actually broke the internal organs, and even the load-bearing wall was slightly dented..."

Seeing this scene, the few youngsters all had their eyes widened instantly and their pupils contracted sharply.

He suddenly turned his head to look at Yuan Shi, only to find that Yuan Shi had already set up the Martial Arts stakes again, with the two-word pincers on the sheep and horses, but there was a faint smile on his face.

"What? Martial Arts? Is it really Martial Arts?"

Brother Tu stammered. "good!" as he smiled even more.

"You...you are too ruthless! You can break people's internal organs with one palm, you, aren't you afraid of going to jail?..." Hearing Yuan Shi's confession, Brother Tu swallowed, wanting to threaten, but seeing At this time, the non-mainstream who was still lying on the ground and vomiting blood suddenly became wilted.

The words that came out were also fierce. It's really funny, to hear the word "prison" from a gangster.

Yuan Shi withdrew his hands, and said calmly, "Martial Arts is not for national art shows. It only kills people and does not do performances or showcases. If you don't make a move, you will be fine. If you make a move, you will either die or be injured. This is already the result of my subordinates' mercy! But if you If you continue to be ignorant of good and bad, you will die under my fist, and no one else will be blamed!"

Hearing this, the bodies of the two or five boys were all shaking, and brother Tu also had a storm in his heart!

In any case, he never thought that the legendary Chinese martial arts actually existed!

He also knows the name of martial arts that only kills but does not showcase it, so when he saw this scene, he deeply understood that this is already Yuan Shi's mercy. If they don't know what is good for them, they may really want to All were beaten to death here!

At this moment, Brother Tu and the others had long lost the idea of ​​continuing to attack! After all, the person standing in front of them at this moment is a martial arts master, and they are just street gangsters. It's okay to bully ordinary people. Fighting with such a martial arts master, even giving them ten guts is not enough to watch! Thinking of this, Brother Tu's body trembled involuntarily. Normally, if he met such a martial arts master, he would definitely be half-dead with excitement, but now, instead, he is filled with endless fear! He knew that if he didn't handle this matter well today, he might not be able to get out of this staircase intact! Thinking of this, Brother Tu Hurriedly begged for mercy, "Boss Yuan, please let us go! It's because we don't know Mount Tai, so please let Mr. Yuan treat us like a fart! We will never dare to do this again in the future. Provoke you!" "Hehe... let you go? Didn't you still get angry before? If you want me to let you go, it's okay! Come up with some substantial measures to buy your lives!" Yuan Shi's eyes showed There was a sharp glow. Hearing this, Brother Tu gritted his teeth, knelt down with a thud, and begged miserably, "Mr. Yuan, please let us go. As long as you promise to let us go, I can do whatever you want! I will let me go!" All the money for you, please!" Hearing Brother Tu's begging, Yuan Shi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help thinking. At the beginning, Yuan Shi really wanted to kill Brother Tu and the others to avoid future troubles, but when he thought about it carefully, if he killed someone in the street here, he would probably have a lot of troubles later, and it would be overwhelming , I am afraid that there will never be peace. So Yuan Shi quickly rejected this idea! After pondering for a moment, Yuan Shi said lightly, "This time, I will teach you a lesson! I just hope that you will be more honest in your actions in the future, and don't provoke people who shouldn't be provoked, otherwise there will be no such easy-talking people like me next time!" Hearing this, Brother Tu was overjoyed immediately, and Hurriedly kowtowed, "Thank you, Mr. Yuan, thank you, Mr. Yuan..." "Don't be too happy!" Yuan Shi said indifferently, "Capital crimes are inevitable, but living crimes are inevitable! If you want to live, you have to pay the price you deserve! Think for yourself, what can be exchanged for your lives!" Hearing this, Brother Tu was taken aback for a moment, but then he suddenly realized, and said directly, "Thank you Mr. Yuan, I understand! As long as Mr. Yuan let me go, I will bring 200,000 RMB here tomorrow, and I will also bring Pu Xunya All limbs have been abolished! For Mr. Yuan, you will never have any future troubles!" Hearing this, Yuan Shi couldn't help but glance at Brother Tu. This bald tiger brother still has some brains, and he was able to think of this aspect! However, I have to say that Yuan Shi was tempted by this condition of Brother Tu. Not only can he get 200,000 yuan, but he can also get rid of Pu Xunya , so as to prevent future troubles! Thinking of this, Yuan Shi said indifferently, "In this case, you can get out! Remember to come here before tomorrow night, otherwise...you know my tricks! Even if you hide in cave grounded by heaven, I can find you out! Go away!" Yuan Shi waved his hand and said calmly. "Yes, yes! Please rest assured, Mr. Yuan! I will definitely handle it well!" Brother Tu made a promise and thanked him a thousand times, then picked up the non-mainstream boy who was vomiting blood, and left here in despair. Looking at the backs of Brother Tu and the others leaving, Yuan Shi stood at the door with a pensive look in his eyes. At that moment just now, he really had the idea of ​​killing people. Although he didn't feel it at the time, thinking about it afterwards, he was shocked. In the past, Yuan Shi was just an ordinary college student, let alone killing a chicken. But after reading "Ip Man" and following the characters in the book through that life, what Yuan Shi has gained is not only Martial Arts is proficient, and the idea that has quietly changed. In troubled times, human life is worthless, and the fight between boxers is either fatal or injured, so for people in the martial arts world, killing has become as simple as eating and drinking water! Seeing injustice on the road, draw your sword to help! But if there is an injustice, blood will splatter five steps immediately! The national art of a strong country and a strong breed is not just for fun! This kind of mentality is necessary to become a strong person, Yuan Shi can also accept it, as long as it is controlled well, and it is fine not to use the ability to kill innocent people indiscriminately! But whoever provokes him to be unhappy, and his thoughts are not clear... Yuan Shi will let him know what it means to be a master who cannot be Humiliated!