untitled chapter, 3rd and maybe final chapter of my day

Today is definitely an uneasy day for Netizens in the country!

Countless netizens searched everywhere on Weibo, leaving messages under the names of celebrities and well-known professors, asking them if anyone knew Yuan Shi's Weibo account.

This also made many celebrities and well-known business owners confused, curious about this sudden appearance of Yuan Shi.

Many celebrities secretly searched for Yuan Shi, only to find that there was already a commotion on Weibo at this time!

The name Yuan Shi has unknowingly reached to the top of the Weibo hot search list, and hot words such as the mysterious man Go defeating Gu Yi, and the mysterious man's true identity are also in the top ten.

For a while, many people who didn't know what to do were a little confused.

"Fuck, what's going on here? Who is this Yuan Shi? Why does it feel like the whole world is looking for him again?"

"Yeah, I saw a lot of people left messages asking about Yuan Shi's Weibo account under some celebrities I like!"

"Oh my god, didn't I just come up yesterday? Why haven't I logged into Weibo all day, it feels like I've been disconnected from the Internet for more than ten years!"

"I agree!"

Many people who eat melons are dumbfounded, looking at those who are frantically looking for Yuan Shi.

Some people who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal even asked them why they were looking for Yuan Shi, but it turned out that they were caught by this video. After watching it, everyone yelled, and then joined the search for Yuan Shi Guan's army.

This evening, according to incomplete statistics, there were at least millions of people looking for Yuan Shi on Weibo.

And this is just the beginning. If the situation is allowed to develop, once things ferment, the waves will be even bigger!

After seeing this scene, Gu Yi didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly posted a Weibo, confirming Yuan Shi's real identity!

Gu Yi, "You guys don't need to guess anymore, and you don't need to ask any more! The person I played against in my last Weibo post is the one who played against me! He is @Yuan Shi! Besides, his real identity is actually a piano master, and has just become an honorary professor of the Piano Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music at the invitation of @Lang Lang, the dean of the Piano Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. In addition, just now, he has joined the Shanghai Pianist Association and served as the post director!"

"If you guys are interested in piano and Go, you can add @Yuan Shi as a friend. He has profound attainments in both piano and Go, and it's worth learning from!"

After this Weibo was released, it was reposted and liked by Qin Li, Lang Lang, Jing Lang and other famous national players in the Go and piano circles, acknowledging that what this Weibo said was true.

As a result, the onlookers were stunned when they saw this scene.

"Fuck! It's really him!"

"My God, watching him play Go, I thought Go was his main business, but I didn't expect his real identity to be a piano master, and Go is just his hobby!"

"As a Level nine professional Go player, I once got the best result and was the top 16 in the domestic Go competition of Hong Kong. I couldn't help but shed tears of embarrassment!"

"Upstairs, aren't you showing off your identity?!"

"National go player, piano master...it turns out to be a master of both piano and chess, which means that I have already knelt down!"

"Kneel to the master of Go! Please accept this kneel!" after this netizen posted, he knelt down on one knee towards his phone as he held it up with a half salute

"Hey, my male god is really amazing!" As a female netizen user posted fast as her hand speed could go on her phone

"He has ruled the world of piano and go by himself. I just want to ask, is Yuan Shi going to attack the world of calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting next?"

"A lover from the calligraphy world is shivering!"

"A lover from the Chinese painting world is shivering!"


Countless netizens expressed their emotions on Weibo, and everyone felt a little unbelievable about this result.

A high-end residential area in Beijing

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl is constantly posting messages on Weibo, expressing her admiration.

After sending several messages in a row, he calmed down his excitement a little bit, then turned on the video, looked at Yuan Shi's profile, with a look of obsession in his eyes.

"Wow... my male god is really handsome, handsome and talented... I feel like I'm about to fall! Oh, what should I do!"

The little girl rolled a few times on the bed, and said very excitedly and tangled.

After rolling a few laps on her bed, she did it all of a sudden, as if she had thought of something, "By the way, since Yuan Shi's Weibo has been released, then quickly add Yuan Shi's Weibo, and take advantage of it. When they are all sending messages, I want to be the first to be Yuan Shi's big fan!"

Thinking of this, the little girl quickly searched for Yuan Shi, and found that Yuan Shi, who had a verification mark, only had a few hundred followers at this time, she clenched her fists, narrowed her eyes, and a smile appeared on her beautiful face, "Yeah!" I am the 672nd follower to follow, I am the first top 1000!"

Then she quickly clicked on follow, and then turned off the phone contentedly, and lay on the bed, with a blurred look in her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking, and her face and neck were flushed.

At this time, after the onlookers on Weibo came back to their senses, they ran to Yuan Shi's Weibo account one after another and followed him.

For a while, Yuan Shi's Weibo fans continued to increase.

From the previous hundreds, to tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands... Almost every refresh will increase tens of thousands of fans.

By ten o'clock in the evening, this Weibo account, which had been opened for less than half a day, already had more than four million fans!

Most of them are the onlookers who fell in love with Yuan Shi because of being in hot search results, followed by the fans who were born because of Yuan Shi's piano piece, and finally the Go lovers in the Go world. This part alone has already contributed hundreds of thousands of fans.

This is only half a day, and it is conceivable that as time goes by, the number of fans of Yuan Shi's Weibo account will definitely skyrocket to a terrifying number in the next few days!

The onlookers and celebrities were shocked when they saw this scene!

Some second- and third-tier stars, watching Yuan Shi's rapidly rising Weibo fans, also showed some envy or even jealousy.

They worked desperately to accumulate fans, and even carefully cared for the hundreds of thousands of fans for such a long time, but Yuan Shi already had more than 4 million fans in just half a day, and even according to this momentum, Breaking through 10 million is only a matter of two days!

In this comparison, how can we not make them envious or even jealous?

It's really hard to compare people to others, and to compare goods with one another!

There is no harm without comparison. As a result, they all felt stabbed in the heart and felt suffocated by this comparison!