Weibo is Online

Yuan Shi replied back on Weibo with the netizens trying to smear his reputation at every minute after turning on his phone and trying his best to reply back to other posts that were against AlphaGo or Having a 'fake' Go match against Gu Yi.

After Yuan Shi posted the Weibo of playing, he directly posted the Weibo.

But at this time, Weibo suddenly exploded!

All hot searches were being posted on Baidu, QQ, and Other Social Medias!

Tian Duande has been staring at Yuan Shi's Weibo, refreshing it from time to time, wanting to see if Yuan Shi has responded.

For those people on the Internet who said that Yuan Shi was afraid to respond against being called a liar, Tian Duande didn't believe it!

Some people also said that the game between Yuan Shi and Mr. Gu was just a play! The purpose is to create the illusion that they still have a Go master, and pretend to challenge AlphaGo, and when the other party responds, they will not respond, saying that this Go master is indifferent to fame and fortune, and does not want to appear in front of the world and at the same take all the benefits from the storm of which was caused.

In this way, even if everyone in the Go world loses now, as long as this master does not appear, then their Go community can still use an excuse to say that there is another master, and cast the last big scandal on their Go world!

Tian Duande doesn't believe what these people say!

Tian Duande watched that video carefully many times, and even asked some friends who did special effects to do post-production to help watch it. It's all true!

The chess style is now real!

When Tian Duande got the news, he immediately looked up relevant information on baidu, and even read a lot of ancient books about Go from his library. In some ancient rare books, he finally found a few words and phrases of Go style.

It is said that after Go reaches the state of perfection, there will be a gust of chess style like Confucianism's righteousness!

This is the skill of Go that has reached a very advanced level, and it can only be produced when it reaches the Master level!

At this point, playing Go can already resonate with the world. Every time you play Go, it will be as if there is a help from immortal taoist gods, and the momentum will be majestic.

At that point, with the sky as the board, the earth as the game, and all things as the child, the law imitates the heaven and the earth, even playing chess has incredible power!

This ability is called, Heaven and Earth Formula!

Tian Duande flipped through the books all night, so he can be sure that the master Yuan Shi in the video has really reached the point where his chess style is manifested!

And at his last drop, it had already aroused the resonance of heaven and earth, to the point where ghosts and gods were startled, so this can generate a majestic momentum!

Tian Duande didn't believe that this meant that a Go master would be a fake and would be afraid of an AI called AlphaGo!

Therefore, even if many people on the Internet do not believe it and abuse Yuan Shi, Tian Duande still believes that Yuan Shi will definitely respond! He also believes in the ability of Yuan Shi against AlphaGo!

Although Yuan Shi has not spoken out at the moment, it may be because of reality, but it is definitely not because he is afraid of not responding!

Tian Duande believed it!

That's why he stayed on Yuan Shi's Weibo and refreshed it from time to time, wanting to see Yuan Shi's response as soon as possible and even when his phone battery was low.

Just when he clicked to refresh again, he saw that Yuan Shi had no news on Weibo, but there was a new message suddenly.

Yuan Shi, I'm sorry, I didn't go to Weibo last night due to some business, and I didn't see the response from @AlphaGo. Now I officially accept your challenge. As for the venue and time of the competition, it will be three days later. Shanghai Center of Heaven and Earth Qi Chess Room, that you will watch me play game against AlphaGo. @Everyone

In addition, I am here to warn some people with ulterior motives, if they continue to slander the Go community, don't blame me for being rude, don't even say it is unpredictable! Because it is unpredictable!

Domineering just like the masters of the past!

Seeing this response, the first thought that came to Tian Duande's mind was these words!

And another idea is that new Master Yuan Shi is going to rectify the name of Go!

Thinking of this, a look of excitement appeared in Tian Duande's eyes. Master Yuan was finally going to make a move. In this way, they will be able to see the legendary chess skills of perfection!

Thinking of this, Tian Duande quickly forwarded it, and attached a sentence, "I wish Master Yuan every success, and rectify the name of the Go community around the world!

When Tian Duande forwarded it, many people in the Go world also forwarded it one after another, and attached the same words as Tian Duande.

They are all fans of Go, fans of the Go culture. Now that they see the posting of Go and are even ridiculed by the world, even if they want to defend themselves, they are powerless!

Seeing Master Yuan Shi's response now, these people seem to have found the backbone, and they all cheered up and forwarded the message.

For a while, the words "I wish Master Yuan the best of luck, to rectify the name of Go!" were circulated on Weibo.

At the same time, countless people on the Internet also saw this response from Yuan Shi.

For a while, everyone left messages eagerly and expressed their concern.

"Domineering! This little brother Yuan Shi is handsome, but to be able to say such a domineering response, I knew that he must not be a fake!"

"my Yuan Shi little big brother is even more domineering!"

"Lurkers you better watch out for our domineering Go Master!"


Many neitzens forwarded it one after another and expressed their opinions.

Some people think that Yuan Shi was forced to reply and post such a thing under pressure, but in fact he is a selfish person!

Others believed that Yuan Shi would definitely defeat the AI AlphaGo once he made a move.

There are even some people who take the rhythm from time to time, use a keyboard to point out the country and impassioned on the Internet. I don't know if they think he is a hero who has seen a rough road!

Even a hero is just a keyboard warrior!


Medina is a overseas celebrity. He says he is a celebrity, but in fact he is an Internet celebrity. He still uses the popularity from time to time. Whenever there is a major event that the whole society pays attention to, he will jump out and make some shocking remarks that are contrary to public opinion. .

He thinks that everyone is drunk on power, but in fact, because of his behavior, many people can't understand him. Whenever he appears, there will always be many people leaving messages and scolding him like a plague god.

But Medina didn't care about these scolding. In his opinion, these people's messages showed that he was hot!

Those people are jealous of him!

With the Weibo account in China named 'I'm so handsome that all say I am a male god', he often posted some amazing remarks against topics in English. After half a year, it has attracted hundreds of thousands of fans, and Weibo has more than 600,000 followers.

But yesterday, when he saw that many people were following Yuan Shi on Weibo, Medina immediately realized that this was another hot topic that could be ride on!

So he quickly got to know Yuan Shi by looking him up on Baidu, and saw that Yuan Shi had gained millions of fans in just one day, and he immediately made some shocking remarks under his jealousy, intending to gain some popularity.

Jumping up and down in one night, he gained hundreds of thousands of fans, and his Weibo followers suddenly increased from more than 600,000 to over one million!

This made him even more excited just like a certain reckless person courting death!

Why! Why do I have hundreds of thousands of fans after half a year of hard work, while you gained millions in one night! It's not fair but also amazing!

Because of jealousy, he has been posting remarks against Yuan Shi, wanting to ride on Yuan Shi train to gain the public's attention.

This time after lunch, Medina nodded in satisfaction when he saw that the number of followers on Weibo had reached 1.2 million, and then he checked to see if Yuan Shi responded, planning to target him again. Make some remarks about his prestige on Go.

As a result, as soon as I refreshed Yuan Shi's Weibo, I found that the other party really responded!

Seeing that domineering response, Medina smiled menacingly, and then quickly posted a Weibo, "His post is nothing more than delaying time for the inevitable defeat against AlphaGoI don't believe he can beat the AI AlphaGo! Just wait, three days later, the truth is revealed that he will lose against Alpha, I will see how he still pretends after that! AlphaGo has already beaten all the masters of Go including, Lee Sedol!!!"