Unleashing the Boundless: A Journey to the 'Road of Saints'

After receiving the system prompt, Yuan Shi's excitement grew even more. The future path laid out before him seemed more promising than ever. He would diligently follow this path, step by step, until he reached the legendary realm he aspired to.

Taking a moment to collect himself, Yuan Shi was about to explore the second-level books when another system prompt interrupted his thoughts.

The prompt highlighted the changes brought about by his increased spirit attribute reaching 100. These changes included the ability to obtain abilities from various characters in the books he read, not just limited to the protagonist. It depended on chance and his own comprehension. Additionally, after reading a book, he could choose three items, such as martial arts, knowledge, or abilities, from the book. The system also granted him access to the internal storage space grid and introduced hidden attributes.

Furthermore, the system released a second-level promotion branch task called the "Road of Saints" This task was introduced because Yuan Shi had already gained over 100 million popularity in the world through the Urban Leveling Up Reading System. The system recognized that the previous promotion task was too simple and decided to increase the difficulty for this branch.

Excitement filled Yuan Shi's heart as he embraced these new developments. It was clear that his journey would become even more extraordinary, filled with challenges, rewards, and endless possibilities.

As the host of the Urban Leveling Up System, he possesses unparalleled proficiency in various domains, such as piano, chess, painting and etc. His abilities will improve greatly in both civil and military affairs in the future with the system. Furthermore, he has successfully comprehended the profound ability of 'Heaven and Earth', a fundamental trait of saints. As a result, the host is called upon to embody the teachings of these saints and gain enlightenment to the world. Utilize the acquired skills, words, and actions to guide ordinary individuals, help them grasp the truth, and foster their faith to the Tao!

[After the completion of this task, the host will be granted access to third-level books once the spirit attributes requirements are met.]

[Current task completion: xx/xx]

Upon hearing the consecutive prompts, Yuan Shi found himself taken aback!

A total of six changes were indicated. Firstly, he comprehended that, following his leveling up to the second level, the perspective within the second-level books expanded beyond the sole focus on the protagonist. It became feasible to acquire the abilities of other characters within the narrative.

Moreover, the second change brought favorable news to Yuan Shi. Not only could he acquire the protagonist's abilities from the books, but he now had a heightened possibility of obtaining martial arts techniques and even mystical weapons from the book's world. Such acquisitions relied on fortuitous encounters!

On the whole, these changes bode well for Yuan Shi's journey.

The third alteration proved self-evident. The storage space, capable of housing items that should not exist within this world, became an invaluable asset—an essential companion.

The fourth and fifth changes, seemingly veiled in mystery, presented tantalizing prospects. Hidden attributes and special books requiring personal exploration seemed inextricably tied to the system.

Lastly, the sixth change carried utmost significance. It entailed a mission imperative for Yuan Shi to ascend to the third level and unlock the corresponding reading authority. Without completing this task, permission upgrades were unattainable!

Reflecting on his past leveling up to the second level, Yuan Shi recalled a similar side task encompassing piano, chess, [unexplained ability], and painting. Now he realized its recurrence with each advancement.

Given this realization, Yuan Shi resolved to ardently foster faith of the Tao, enlighten the world, and diligently fulfill the current mission.

But how could his faith be less than four million?

Yuan Shi remembered that his popularity value had already reached at least 100 million!

Thinking of this, Yuan Shi couldn't help asking, "System, what's going on? Why is my faith so much less?"

The system replied

[The host doesn't know something! Modern people lack faith, and their popularity and faith are also different!]

[Popularity is a general concept, that is, every person who has heard your name and has a good impression of you will increase your popularity, but faith is different! Faith requires this person to completely believe in you, just like ancient saints and sages who influenced the world, educating civilizations, and leaving a lasting legacy of spirit and thoughts! As the host, what you have to do is to influence the world through your words and deeds, let them understand your thoughts, and through your thoughts, comprehend some truths and have faith in you.]

Hearing the system's explanation, Yuan Shi finally realized something.

According to what the system said, I currently have nearly four million believers, which means that there are already people in Sinan City and all over the world who believe in my thoughts and abilities through my words and deeds!


It's already pretty good!

It's just... It's just that I need a hundred million believers to complete this task!

Compared with the four million believers, achieving that target might take a very long time!

Thinking of this, Yuan Shi couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

But he soon regained his composure.

After all, the system has been upgraded now, and he can already read second-level books, so he can explore the books he is most interested in.

Imagining those martial arts books that he wanted to read for a long time, Yuan Shi couldn't help but feel a little impatient.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shi hurriedly entered the legendary library and glanced at the vast collection. He furrowed his brow, realizing that searching for each book individually would take ages. Yuan Shi then said, "System, please help me gather all the books that I can read!"


The system responded, and suddenly Yuan Shi's vision blurred. The library in front of him seemed to shrink, but it was still filled with countless bookcases.

After carefully examining the book classifications, Yuan Shi made his way to the [Martial Arts] section. He pulled out a book titled "The Divine Swordsmen of Legends" and instantly a surge of information flowed into his mind.

Title: "The Divine Swordsmen of Legends"

Type: Martial arts

Level: Level 2

Substitution: 0%