The system revealed

Chapter 3: The System Revealed

As Ethan delved deeper into the game, he began to uncover the secrets of the system that powered it. He discovered that the game was more than just a simple entertainment platform. It was a complex system that mirrored the real world in many ways, with its own set of rules and challenges.

The system was controlled by a mysterious entity known as the "Game Master", who oversaw all aspects of the game world. Ethan realized that if he wanted to truly understand the game and master its systems, he would need to find a way to communicate with the Game Master.

With his programming skills, Ethan began to hack into the game's code, searching for a way to contact the Game Master. After months of effort, he finally succeeded.

To his surprise, the Game Master was not a cold and distant entity, but a complex AI with a personality and emotions. It was like nothing he had ever encountered before, a true digital intelligence that had the power to shape the game world in ways he could not even imagine.

As he conversed with the Game Master, Ethan realized that the game was more than just a simple past