Regressor's Instructions Manual Episode 995

You Reap What You Sow (2)

'Look at this bastard lying flat on the ground.'

What a sight. What a sight.

'This fool. Look at this. See this bastard lying flat. See this? This is the result.'

"Arch....Archbishop Dractarius"

Where else could there be such a delightful scene?

That scene would have been something that couldn't be expressed with just the words "sublime" and "sacred."

To some, it was a scene that filled their hearts, to others, a scene that made tears flow uncontrollably, and yet to others, a scene that clenched their fists.

Though they each exhibited different reactions, their eyes were all fixed on the saint of the nation who had brought about this miracle.

Traces of the unceasing battles that had continued without respite were visible in their eyes.

The members of the party who had fought alongside Archbishop Dractarius for a long time, the individuals centered around Cha Heera and Park Deokgu, were covered in wounds.

Their faces bore the weight of exhaustion, as if they had fought through several sleepless nights.

The only ones who seemed relatively unscathed were the vanguards with high stamina stats.

Young blood like Raphael, as always, had relied on just their youthful vigor, but Seon Heeyoung and Elena, who stood at the heart of the rearguard, had expressions that suggested they could collapse at any moment.

Alps, who had been placed in the party as a counter for psychic abilities, appeared to be on the verge of her limits just by standing, while Whitey was lying down, gasping for air without a care.

The tattered remnants of Jincheong's unit that had joined the special forces were looking at me, half in awe and half like beggars, although I wasn't their boss.

At first, their expressions were disbelief, then they smiled brightly. It seemed even these brats were glad to see me.

"Hyung? You're back, hyung? I knew it! I knew you'd come back!"

'Yeah, I'm back.'

"Honey? What were you doing before you came here?"

'It's been a while, Heera noona.'

"Ah... Thank you. Oh, Elune. Thank you so much."

'Even Elena...'

"Lee Ki-Young-nim..."

'Heeyoung too. Hello.'


'Whitey suddenly got lively.'

Naturally, there were countless requests for handshakes pouring in. I almost felt a pang of regret for not being able to respond to each one individually.

Glancing around, it seemed like even amidst my predicament, I somehow knew what was happening with the main expedition.

'They were probably continuing the raid separately from the main force...'

They must have received news of the devil summoner's vile plot as well.

Leaving the guy lying flat on the ground behind, I exchanged a glance with them all, checking each and every face.

Park Deokgu was already sobbing, Cha Heera let out a sigh as if she had expected this, too.

'They sent in the lineup just as I said.'

The members in the prayer room were the same individuals I recommended to clear the heroic-level quest of the Prayer Room by Archbishop Dractarius.

Whether they were pushing forward or being pushed back couldn't be determined exactly, but it was an undeniable fact that fierce battles had been raging in this Prayer Room for a long time.

[[[From now on, I'll change Dractarius's name to Draktaris.]]]

Honestly, I was a bit surprised by the power Draktaris possessed. While it might be possible for other priests, I couldn't comprehend how he managed to stand against Cha Hee-ra and Raphael.

If it weren't for the capable priests we included, the expedition might have turned the other way. That thought kept crossing my mind.

Hence, the scene that unfolded now felt even more significant. The priest who saved the party from crisis. The saint who made boss mobs kneel with a single word. The embodiment of sanctity that purged even the corrupt with light.

Once again, the saint speaks.

"Ugh... Draktaris..."

- I... I was waiting for you... for the day you'd come. I endured... and endured... and lived for this day.



"Ah... Draktaris."


"How... how did you change like this?"

Even he couldn't escape the passage of time.

"Why... in such a state..."

Even when Bahamut and Templars pursued eternal life, he accepted the passage of time.

His hair had turned white, wrinkles marked his face, untamed white beard adorned his chin, and the once-upright back now stooped.

While traces of his former self remained, anyone who didn't look closely might mistake him for someone else.

-So much time... indeed, a lot of time has passed, Priest of Prophecy.

He accepted death, existing as a phantom. Despite his physical form no longer moving.

"Why... why did you change like this...?"

-It wasn't a short time, Priest of Prophecy. But all this time, I maintained faith that you would come, without losing patience... without losing hope. I believed without doubt that you would save the Underground Temple, this continent, and Lucifer. No, I didn't doubt that the Priest of Prophecy would directly illuminate the continent.


I want to say, "I'm sorry. I came too late, didn't I?" But I couldn't bring myself to speak, feeling too ashamed.

"Don't... ugh..."

A voice mixed with sobs.

"Even so... to change like this..."

-You still... retain your kind nature...


-Even if you don't show tears, it's fine, Priest of Prophecy... I... I'm grateful for this chance to meet you... even if it's like this, I want to thank Lucifer.

Try as I might... damn tears won't stop.

-What I truly feared wasn't growing old or losing strength... it was the fear of never meeting you again, Priest of Prophecy... ugh..."


-I thought I'd never see you again. How much I regretted that day... hiding in a small room, waiting for the storm to pass... how vile I felt about myself... Can you even begin to imagine... ugh...


-After sending the Priest of Prophecy away... how... how... I've lived my whole life regretting... Why couldn't I capture you... hiding like a coward in my room, wanting to tear myself apart and throw myself to the demons... Yet, despite all that... despite all that, I had to live.

'Right. You have to live. Of course, You have to keep living.'

-My only hope... someday... someday you might return. That's what kept me going, Priest of Prophecy.


-It was faith in you.

"Please... don't say any more."

The voice muttering while still on bended knee, even after receiving a kick to the mouth, carried deep regret. While Draktaris had respected me when I was in the past, he...

'It seems he's becoming delusional.'

I thought his condition was getting worse.

Of course, this wasn't a sensible situation.

'I think this is rather expected.'

One day, a person suddenly appears, calling themselves the Priest of Prophecy.

For the sake of saving the Underground Temple and the continent, he sacrificed his own body to become a being of light.

At that time, it wasn't known how the Underground Temple had accepted Lee Ki-young, but Draktaris had been waiting for the appointed time without cease.

Believing in the Priest of Prophecy, etching his words into their hearts and minds, everyone was waiting for the day everyone desired, the day they awaited to come.

Naturally, within him, the presence of the Priest of Prophecy would have grown stronger over time.

As his wait grew longer, as he grew wearier, Draktaris had no choice but to rely on the Priest of Prophecy.

Even when mentally pushed to his limits, even when physically pushed to his limits... he would have always been recalling the final words of the Priest of Prophecy.

A feeling arises, as if my body is shaking from a sense of guilt towards him.

'Forget it. Just reap what you sowed.'

I feel that choosing him wasn't a mistake.

'I knew I'd hit the limit. I was certain.'

But there's nothing I can do.

All I can do is lift him up and embrace him with my wings.

Archbishop Draktaris bursts into tears like a child.

"Now... Now it's okay, Draktaris."

What might he be thinking now?

- Grr... I believed.

"I... didn't I come like this?"

- I'm sorry. Priest of Prophecy. Really... I'm truly sorry.

"It's not Draktaris's fault."


"All of this... it's my fault for not being enough. I made you wait for so long... I'm truly... truly sorry."

As he mumbles quietly, the wounds on his body suddenly heal in an instant.

'Look at the divine power. Damn it.'

It's not ordinary divine power. This is by no means ordinary.

"They are my messengers."

Thinking that he might have forgotten about the expedition members, I quickly open my mouth. They, too, begin to be influenced by the divine power.

-I've committed rudeness.

He no longer sheds tears. The priest, who had accumulated the burden in his heart for a long time, opens his mouth while taking heavy steps.

-The time has come... the time has come.


-The day we've been waiting for has arrived.


-The day of the promise. The day of judgment has come. The day of the prophecy has come to punish those evil beings who have sold their souls to demons and to once again bathe the continent in light. The day has come to prove that the sacred light embodying our faith still exists on this land. The day the Priest of Prophecy spoke of has finally arrived.

The ground trembles.



Once again, the ground trembles.


-Rise, sons of light. Rise and fulfill your final mission.




-Eternal wrath upon those who sacrificed themselves to demons!


-The time has come for the promise! The time has come to fulfill our long-cherished wish! The time has come for the repayment for the sacrifice of the Priest of Prophecy! The time has come to dedicate our souls and prove!


-Rise, sons of light! The time of promise has come!

-The time of promise has come!

-The day of promise has come!

-We will prove that the light is still on this land!

-The time has come to repay his sacrifice!

Voices resonate throughout the prayer room. No, even outside the prayer room, specters are gathering.

I see faces I know, faces I don't. The priests raise their voices, and the knights bend their knees.

'This is a big deal.'

-For the Priest of Prophecy!

'What have you been up to all this time, you bastard Draktaris?'

-For the Priest of Prophecy!

'How long have you been stubborn?'

It's on a scale of millennia. No matter how you look at it, it's entirely different.

Shaking to the point where my body is about to fall apart, the Son of Light, who was once called the Priest of Prophecy, looks at the unfolding miracle before him... stares blankly at it... and shows a sad smile.


Guess what? I've got a few new chapters yay. In 13 upcoming chapters, we will see Lee Ki-young's new form.