Chapter 4: His dictionary contains every word, save for fear.


The crisp sound of a lighter echoed as Tuberculosis Rabbit lit the cigarette at the corner of his mouth, standing at the entrance of Zhongdeng Square, looking towards the gruesome sight inside the mall. His mouth twitched uncontrollably a few times as he muttered softly.

"Yi, I suddenly understand what the experts mean by 'retiring early is good for your health.'"

"If I take on a few more jobs like this, I might start losing control of myself."

"Let's get to work."

Chen Yi didn't speak, just calmly took a folded rubber bucket out of his suitcase.

Then he began to throw the chunks of flesh on the ground into the rubber bucket one by one.

Meanwhile, Tuberculosis Rabbit squatted to one side, adjusting the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution and pouring it into a spray bottle, preparing to use it to clean the bloodstains on the floor tiles.

This was the best thing for cleaning blood that had not been there for long.

What needed to be borne in mind was that blood contains protein, and cleaning it with hot water would cause the blood to coagulate.

It didn't take long.

In less than an hour,

Chen Yi and his partner had cleaned up almost all the chunks of flesh and blood scattered in the lobby on the first floor.

Next, Tuberculosis Rabbit transformed into a grout worker, meticulously cleaning the blood that had seeped into the gaps of the floor tiles.

For others, the rule of not thinking about ghosts in their minds could be extremely harsh.

But for Chen Yi, this rule seemed as if it didn't exist.

He was born without the emotion of fear.

In his dictionary, there were all sorts of words, but the word 'fear' did not exist.

Fear does not equate to ghosts.

But a major reason why ordinary people find it difficult to eliminate the image of ghosts from their minds after they appear is because under the influence of fear, it is difficult to control one's emotions.

If there is no fear,

even if one thinks of ghosts, they can easily expel the thought from their brain as if entering a sage-like state.

Tuberculosis Rabbit, lying on the ground, carefully cleaned the bloodstains while casually asking,

"Yi, all the money the Law Enforcement Bureau has given us recently has been exchanged for Points."

"Is that really okay?"

"What if these Points turn out to be useless later on? Or say they don't have much use."

"If we hadn't exchanged the money for Points, that would have been a huge fortune."

After Chen Yi finished cleaning the pieces of flesh from the floor, he began to pick up the Skill Fragments next to the bodies. Whenever a player died, a Skill Fragment would drop next to their body.

Just like looting equipment from a monster.

"It definitely will," he said softly as he busied himself, "It's a simple logic, with two updates in a row happening on the 1st of the month."

"Since this month's update added Points as rewards,"

"next month, there's a good chance that these Points will be used to purchase Skills, or have some other greater function."

"Otherwise, there would be no reason for these Points to exist."


Tuberculosis Rabbit hesitated and then said tentatively, "I do think the same, but currently, only a few people in the market are collecting Points, including the Law Enforcement Bureau who seem not to be very aware of it."

Chen Yi shook his head, scooping all the Skill Fragments from the floor into his embrace,

"Do you remember the last time that major nation waged war on the smaller one?"

"The moment the war began, the currency of that major country began to devalue, and almost everyone thought that this devaluation was temporary, that if you only exchanged for this major country's currency now..."

"Once this major country had calmed the storm of war, the currency would quickly return to its original exchange rate."

"That way, you could make a large profit."

"Indeed, that was the case, but how many people actually profited from it?"

"To make a correct judgment is not very difficult, and almost anyone with a bit of awareness could do it."

"But to use one's own hard-earned money to carry out that judgment requires a certain courage,"

"Everyone can make judgments, but not everyone has the courage to act upon them,"

"Just like now,"

"No one is a fool, but... it's just that most people can't afford to lose, they don't want to, like a gambler, put all the wealth they have accumulated over the years on the table,"


The Tuberculosis Rabbit nodded in semi-understanding, then spoke up, "Then isn't the speed at which we are collecting Points too slow? Those companies that have already accumulated a lot of wealth, they can collect more Points than us,"


Chen Yi fell silent for a while before continuing his task at hand,

"Having the cognition to make judgments is important,"

"Having the courage to execute them is even more important,"

"But more crucial than those two is having the capital to execute on a large scale,"

"And it is the last point we are lacking,"

At that moment——

「Ding, congratulations on obtaining a D-level Skill Fragment "Premeditated Blast Punch" x1.」

「Ding, congratulations on obtaining an E-level Skill Fragment "Prosperous Fireworks" x1.」

「Ding, congratulations on obtaining an E-level Skill Fragment "Heaven on Earth" x1.」


Chen Yi silently collected all these Skill Fragments into his own backpack,

Backpacks were something each person had,

Provided for free during the first update,

A backpack with a space of 100 slots, where the same kind of items could be stacked infinitely in one slot, but it seemed that only Skill Fragments could be placed inside,

Items like the white gloves he had in his hand could not be fitted into the backpack,

He guessed that only items produced by the game could be stored in the backpack,

He had collected a total of 18 Skill Fragments this time,

The highest level fragment was a D-level one,

Add to that the Skill Fragments he had gathered before,

He now possessed a total of 308 Skill Fragments,

Five Skill Fragments could combine into one complete Skill, but at this time he only had one complete Skill,

「Skill Name」: Calm and Composed,

「Skill Level」: D-level,

「Skill Type」: Passive Skill,

「Skill Effect」: When your heart harbors not a trace of fear, your physical capabilities will double,

「Skill Introduction」: "Knowing full well the dangers of the tiger mountain, one still heads straight towards it,"

A passive Skill that perfectly suited him,

Keeping his physical capabilities doubled at all times,

Chen Yi shook his head without speaking and started to pack his tools to leave the place, having completed his task,

The Law Enforcement Bureau placed great importance on Skill Fragments,

Although the dropped Skill Fragments belonged to the "Special Event Cleaners," a high bounty of 50,000 yuan was still offered for a single fragment,

To be precise,

Some wealthy companies were also collecting Skill Fragments at high prices,

Whether Points will be of use in the future is still unknown, but the existence of Skill Fragments can genuinely alter the world's structure,


For now, in the whole city, only "Special Event Cleaners" could come into contact with Skill Fragments.