Chapter 6: A person without opinions often lives a very happy life.

"Reward Critical Hit"

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining 1000 Points, which has critically hit for 10k Points."

Gazing at the panel before him.

Chen Yi's breathing became increasingly rapid—this was 10k Points!

He had worked his tail off for the Law Enforcement Bureau for over half a month, and only managed to earn 1000 Points, but now, just by opening a treasure chest, he had a whopping 10,000 Points.

Over there at the Law Enforcement Bureau, they priced them, one thousand yuan per Point.

If calculated at this exchange rate, 10,000 Points amounted to an entire billion yuan.

He had become a billionaire in an instant.

Of course, he wouldn't be foolish enough to exchange his Points for cash. According to his guess, Points would be the mainstream currency in the future, and the world order would be reshuffled.

Whoever had enough Points and sufficient Skill Fragments would have a say in the future.

Cash, it was no good anymore.


The Tuberculosis Rabbit sitting beside him noticed Yi's current state and was slightly astonished, "Is the reward very generous?"

In his mind, Yi had always been the type who, even if he were to die in the next second, could calmly light a cigarette and welcome death in this second.

It was rare to see Yi in such a state, looking... as if he had won a jackpot.


Chen Yi took a deep breath, crushed the mineral water bottle in his hand, and tossed it onto the floor beside him before turning his head to stare intently at the Tuberculosis Rabbit, "The chest rewarded ten thousand Points."

"The current situation in Yancheng is that a portion of people have already guessed the importance of Points in the future and have begun to buy up Points on a large scale."

"These people probably have the most Points."

"As far as I know, their purchase prices vary significantly."

"There are prices ranging from three hundred to twelve thousand for one Point."

"They've even sent out people to trade eggs for the Points held by the elderly."

"Beneath the entire city, an undercurrent is surging."

"We can't compete with them for two reasons: first, we don't have enough capital, and second, it's easy to draw their attention."

"After we buy a certain amount of Points, they'll slaughter us like pigs and eat our flesh."

"But now... there might be another way for these people to collect Points."

Chen Yi stood up from his chair, paced with closed eyes inside the room, and after a moment suddenly stopped in place, turned his head toward the Tuberculosis Rabbit, with a hint of gloom flickering in his eyes.

"This treasure chest, the emergence of this special event, has two premises."

"1. It can only be probabilistically triggered in May, which is this month."

"2. There's a certain chance this event will be triggered if more than ten people die in one go due to the ghosts appearing in their minds."

"That is to say, as long as this news gets out, there will definitely be some forces deliberately creating the conditions to trigger this special event."

"If we can think of it, there's no reason others can't."

"And our advantage is that we can open chests with a 100% chance, and the rewards are guaranteed to critically hit. That is to say, if we're willing to, we just need to keep intentionally creating these two premises before the new version update comes in June, we will have enough treasure chests, as well as... a large number of Points!"


The Tuberculosis Rabbit's mouth gradually fell open—he understood Yi's meaning, but he hesitated for a moment before voicing his doubts, "Yi, I think I get what you're saying, but although the city is quite chaotic right now, if we kill on such a large scale..."

"Won't we be gunned down on the spot before the June update rolls out?"

"No, no, no."

Chen Yi, with an unpleasant expression, paused for a while before shaking his head, "In fact, there is no need to kill. Those people just died because they broke the rules by having ghosts appear in their minds. It's enough to create fear and make them think of ghosts."

"I would not do this, but there will definitely be those who will, as long as they go to some more secluded places."

"Like the suburbs?"


"Or how about an abandoned construction site?"

"It would be easy to create a scene to trigger that special event, and once the news spreads, there will definitely be a bloody storm."

Chen Yi suddenly fell silent, and after a moment, he sighed lightly, "Alright, I admit that I was actually tempted just now."

"But this is reality, not some game."

"I'm not mad enough to harm ordinary people, especially the good ones, they don't deserve to lose their lives for this."

"Good people should get good returns."

The Tuberculosis Rabbit sneered in disdain, "Yi, you always say good people will be rewarded, but last time when you stopped a couple from arguing, you were stabbed by the man."

"You ended up in the station, and because there were no cameras, the couple's testimonies matched, painting you as a would-be rapist, and the man acted in self-defense."

"I haven't seen you receive any good returns."


Chen Yi frowned, lit a cigarette, placed it in his mouth, grabbed his coat from the chair, and strode out of the house, "That's exactly why I hope other good people can get what they deserve."

"It's important not to let them down, after all."

"Let's go."

The Tuberculosis Rabbit shrugged his shoulders and didn't speak. He didn't care about any of this; whatever Yi did, he would just go along with it.

He was a man with no opinions of his own.

A person without opinions often lives a happy life.

Of course, that's assuming there's someone to follow all along."



Inside an office building.

A young man dressed in a suit, draped in a coat, stood emotionless in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. The cigar between his fingers twinkled with a faint crimson glow in the unlit office.


The skinny man inside the office lifted his head towards the young man's silhouette and whispered, "Director Gao."

"These are the only two conditions to trigger the chest."

"Those two guys opened the chest and then left. I don't know what the reward was."


The young man stood before the floor-to-ceiling window with a faint, almost imperceptible smile. Overlooking the brightly lit city below, he spoke softly, "Give him a hundred thousand and let him go."


A glint of surprise flashed in the skinny man's eyes as he eagerly tucked the stack of cash handed over by the young man's assistant into his chest and then walked out of the office with large strides. He was the one who had witnessed Chen Yi retrieving the chest at Zhongdeng Mall earlier.

After this skinny man left,

The nearly hundred-square-meter office was left only with the young man standing before the window and an old man standing in the corner.

No lights were on in the office.

It looked somewhat gloomy, an odd contrast to the bright cityscape below.

The man didn't speak.

Nor did the old man, who simply stood quietly in the corner, looking towards the young man's silhouette, with a hint of pity involuntarily spilling from the corners of his eyes.

"Uncle Wei."

The young man suddenly spoke up, not turning around but continuing to look down at the brightly lit city below.

"I turned 24 this year."
