Chapter 14: "308 Deities Battle the Dragon King's Third Prince.


The Tuberculosis Rabbit looked up, somewhat bewildered, at the four large characters emitting blue light above Chen Yi's head, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva muttering, "I don't know why, but I just feel a very strong sense of discomfort."

Ever played a web game?

In those games, the player's avatar always had some flashy, shining titles, some of which you had to spend a lot of money to acquire.

Yes, that's right.

The title currently hovering over Chen Yi's head looked exactly like the ones over characters' heads in web games.

"Shoot me now."

Chen Yi looked up at the title shining with blue light above his head, his lips uncontrollably twitching slightly. Could it be any more glaring?

The title wasn't really big; the size of the font was about the size of a shoebox.

And it was in 3D.

But it was unclear how it existed; no matter the angle you looked from, you could clearly see the three-dimensional title, even if he just stood there and looked up, he could still see it.


He took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the speechlessness in his heart, and then began to look for the button to turn off the title's special effects.

Once a title is equipped, it cannot be removed.


But they should at least give him the option to turn off the special effects, right?

Thirty minutes later.

Chen Yi stood there expressionless in silence. After a while, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, took a deep drag, and then sat down on a stone pillar nearby, gazing vacantly into the dark corners of the basement.

He had found the entrance to adjust the title's special effects.

There were only two options.

'Make the title start to blink'

'Keep the title constantly illuminated'


He had only two choices: to keep the title lit up all the time, or to have it blink like the laser lights in a nightclub.

As for turning off the special effects?

Don't even think about it.

No chance.


After hesitating for a moment, the Tuberculosis Rabbit still squatted next to Chen Yi, consoling him, "Look on the bright side, at least we'll be the hottest guys in the club the next time we go to a bar."

"Hmm, that's indeed true."

Chen Yi nodded, looking down at the flickering blue light at his feet through the swirling smoke.

Having a permanent flashlight, with a little added critical hit chance.

Guess that's a pretty good perk.

Although it means going out will be far too flashy — from now on, stealth is out of the question. Can you imagine an assassin, dagger in hand, with a huge title above his head?

He let out a light sigh and could only accept this reality, turning to look at the other rewards he had received.

C-grade random prop x1, two chances for the roulette draw.

'Prop Name': Live Streaming Ticket.

'Prop Grade': C-class.

'Prop Effect': Initiate a live stream that can accommodate up to 100,000 players. When the user initiates a live stream, 100,000 players around the world will randomly receive notifications to enter the live stream room. If the players choose to join, it will cost them 6 points.

'Prop Restriction': The live stream can last for a maximum of 3 hours, the user will only receive half the points earned, and it's a one-time use prop. If not used within 24 hours, the prop will automatically disappear.

'Skill Introduction': "Come on, initiate a live stream that's all about you!"

"What's this...?"

Chen Yi stared at the prop's effects for a moment and then nodded with some insight.

This prop sounds pretty powerful.

Entering the live stream room requires 6 Points per person, so for a hundred thousand people, that would be 600,000 Points.

Even if only 300,000 Points could be collected, it would still be an enormous number!

But there are two limitations.

The first is an explicit restriction, if the Prop isn't used within 24 hours, it will disappear.

The second is a hidden limitation, when the live broadcast starts, only one hundred thousand players will receive a notification asking if they want to spend 6 Points to enter the live stream.

The limited time event on May 20 has made everyone realize the importance of Points.

At this point, spending 6 Points to watch a live stream, I guess not many people would be willing.

In the end, the actual number of people who enter the live stream room may not even reach ten thousand.

"How about we put on a really exciting show?"

The Tuberculosis Rabbit standing by thoughtfully pondered, "Since ancient times, gorgeous visuals have always brought in more traffic. We could stage a battle of 308 heavenly beings against the Dragon King's Third Prince."

"Surely everyone, old and young, would be willing to spend 6 Points to enter the live stream room to see what's going on, right?"

"Who could resist that?"

"Would anyone be able to resist such an enticing show as 308 heavenly beings fighting the Dragon King's Third Prince?"

"Wait a second... What if it was 308 Dragon Kings' Princes fighting against one heavenly being, would the viewership be even higher?"

"No use."

Chen Yi shook his head, "Do you know about Maslow's hierarchy of needs?"

"Physiological needs like food, clothing, shelter, and transportation rank first, and safety needs rank second. The kind of need you're talking about is third."

"After one's belly is full, then they can think about lust."

"At the moment, many people are anxious and fearful."

"Right now, what's most important for them should be the need for security."

"We should do some sort of strategy guide, and have the live stream title say something like, 'How to get a head start in the event in one minute'."

"That's not enough, it needs to be more eye-catching, like... 'I'm a transmigrator, I know the content of the next version update, come into the live stream and listen to me talk'."

"Let me think it through."

After mulling over for a while, Chen Yi looked at the countdown until the Prop's disappearance and decided to use his two chances at the roulette lottery first.

Suddenly, a huge virtual roulette wheel appeared in front of him.

There were roughly a hundred slots on it.

He couldn't see the Props and panels within the slots, but he was able to judge the rarity of the items in the slots by their size.

Generally speaking.

The smaller the slot, the rarer the items inside.

Suddenly, the pointer in front of him started spinning, and after going around dozens of times, it slowly came to a stop.

It landed on a slot that was considerably large.

Chen Yi shook his head, somewhat disappointed. Lotteries were indeed too enticing, but it was free anyway, so it was good to get anything at all.

Then, the next second—

A panel popped up before his eyes.

'Prop Name': B-grade Enchantment Stone.

'Prop Level': B-grade.

'Prop Effect': Can endow a single B-grade Prop with a random new effect through Enchantment.

'Prop Restriction': Single-use Prop.

'Prop Introduction': "Warrior, you must believe, Enchantment is the final destination for all players!"

He only had one B-grade Prop, the Snow Eagle Sniper Rifle.

To be precise.

It was also the only Prop he had on him at the moment.

This B-grade Enchantment Stone could only be used on that Prop, but he didn't use it right away. Instead, he first used his second lottery chance.