100. The Poor Deities and Their Wealthy Matron Followers

The upperclasswomen who were asking questions had all left with satisfied expressions, leaving only Dina, the Club President of the Eye of True Sight society, behind.

"Miss, are you alright?"

Looking at the mistress whose face had turned somewhat pale, Dina asked with a mix of concern and embarrassment.

It was all because of that immature Bersa (Admin Sister) that things went awry. If the mistress needed her, she should have just informed her directly. Instead, that careless girl barged in with, "Club President, the mistress is looking for you."

Sigh, that girl Bersa is a Minotaur template Witch. Minotaurs are among the many subraces of Orcs that often give rise to Shamans, with considerable bonuses to spellcasting, which is quite useful. The only problem is that after evolving with this racial template, the side effects tend to include becoming busty yet brainless, appearing somewhat simple-minded and rash, along with their naturally loud Minotaur voice.