159. Screw the professional training

Time rewound to a minute earlier when the well-trained members of the Armed Society obediently gathered in the kitchen.

However, they weren't particularly in the mood to eat, immersed as they were in the joy of soon having Peak as their coach. Those who knew the identity of the new coach could hardly contain their excitement and began to explain to their companions just how impressive this coach was.

As they talked, everyone's eyes turned towards Senior Mia. They were curious about what had happened before their arrival, and what was the deal with that terrifyingly huge Dragon Serpent Illusion they had seen outside?

But right now, the Golden Princess couldn't be bothered to address the puzzlement of her dear sisters; she was more interested in the twenty large pots arranged in the cafeteria.

Was this the Little Fairy's work?

Mia's eyes lit up; she couldn't wait to try the culinary skills of her own Little Fairy, so...