281. Out of Control Mechanical Heart

At age 0, you were born from the production line as the central core of an autonomous distributed forklift, Unit Zero CH000.

At age 1, Zeraka's Mechanical Beastmaster Production Center purchased a batch of autonomous distributed forklifts for the transportation of raw materials, and you, along with the 100 forklifts under your control, officially began work.

At age 5, one of the forklifts under your control malfunctioned, and in accordance with the settings, you timely reported the fault, which was soon repaired by someone who came over, with you witnessing the entire process.

At age 10, more and more forklifts began to show signs of aging and malfunctioned frequently. Your fault reports became increasingly frequent, and the repair workers who came to fix them started complaining that you old guys were no longer reliable, but you still witnessed the entire process.