392. Demon Incarnate

When it comes to the Necromancy Sect, the first thing that springs to most people's minds are probably death-related entities, such as zombies, skeletons, ghosts, and other ominous beings.

As a result, in many magic civilizations within the Western Universe, many low-to-medium-level civilizations still turn pale at the mention of death, even going to the extent of suppressing Necromancers, branding them as evil and whatnot.

However, in a high-level magic civilization like the Witch World, the attitude toward the Necromancy Sect is much more enlightened. They don't condemn it outright just because the School of Necromancy often walks hand in hand with death.

Although some witches with more conservative ideas still tend to avoid it, their level of aversion is much like that of a picky eater toward vegetables; they might not like eating them but still recognize and admit that vegetables are essential.