While observing the envious glances of everyone around her, Dorothy outwardly showed no reaction.
But in reality, beneath her mask, she couldn't help but curl up her lips, smiling happily.
Lets be honest, having what others don't and being the envy of all feels truly great.
However, to maintain her authority as a leader, she had been working hard to suppress her laughter—unfortunately, the mischievous Masked Senior Sister gave her away at this moment, with that clown mask's mouth almost stretching to its ears with glee.
As for directly bringing these Moon Rabbits over, exposing her identity was not really a big issue.
After all, for other witches, the Moon Rabbit Servant Army was a distant dream, but for the Dragon Witch, there was still a slight chance of acquiring them, as the Lord Dragon had a huge Moon Rabbit Tribe under his command, and occasionally some well-performing Dragon Witches received a few Moon Rabbit servants as a reward.