448. Hijack halfway

Time rewound to an hour ago...

Little Koreya was playing with the delicate silver hammer necklace hanging around her neck, very fond of it.

Although her parents believed the necklace's origin and use were unclear and repeatedly advised her to be careful, it didn't stop the young girl from adoring the necklace.

After all, which girl doesn't like beautiful jewelry?

Especially for a family like hers, which should have been destined never to own such exquisite jewelry.

Moreover, Koreya didn't believe that the Sister Nun who gave her the necklace was a bad person, as her parents had claimed, because where could you find bad people who looked that beautiful?

Although that Sister Nun was wearing a mask at the time, it did not prevent the young girl from finding her beautiful, not to mention, Koreya always remembered the Sister Nun's entrustment to her at that time.

"May you always keep your heart that wants to protect your family and the courage you showed today."