Chapter 298 : Wano 8

"Ahhh." Kirito internally wanted to curse, as he felt pain in his bruised body. To enter the place he infiltrated the place and got caught intentionally. Of course, those bloody guards didn't just put him behind bars without beating him. 

"The first thing I'm gonna do after getting out is to got those bastards. But honestly, I should have come up with a better idea, than this." Kirito sighed as he looked around only to find nothing but darkness. 

Unfortunately, there wasn't any jutsu developed to see in darkness, at least he didn't remember there being any, just one to enhance night vision but that too doesn't work that well, if only he had a doujutsu right now, almost every one of those gives enhance vision to the user. 

Grumbling a little, he used his senses to find his surroundings, only to find that he wasn't alone. There was one man there with him. A man who was injured, but his aura remained strong. No doubt that this man was strong. He even had haki. 

"Who are you ?" Asked the man with a heavy grumpy voice. Though the voice itself was low and grumpy but Kirito was sure that the man himself was quite young. Maybe in his 20s. 

"Namikaze Kirito. What about you ?" Kirito didn't bother hiding his real name. It's not like he is famous or anything. If only he knew. 

After saying this though, no answer come though. Making Kirito twitched his eyes a little but he didn't bother saying anything more, at least not until he sensed that the man was injured and smelled blood. 

"You need some help. I can heal." Kirito offer. He has to start recruiting people from somewhere so why not now from now.

"I don't need anyone's help." Came the defiance voice answer and that was followed by silence. 

Kirito had another twitch in his eyes and just sighed.

"Leave it, start with someone less crazy and more intelligent being here." Kirito just muttered under his breath as he waited for the morning. 

He fully expected not to get anything to East for some time, so before coming here he put all of his things in a seal on his body while also sealing enough food just in case. 


"Hey, I got food with me. Answer some of my questions and I will give it to you." Kirito said, giving one last chance at talking with the annoying man and gathering some information about this place from the man. Though he knew much by observation and talking with other prisoners that wasn't enough time. 


Give me food first." 

Kirito didn't say anything and just took out something from his seal, just enough to know that he had food and threw it towards the man. And he sensed that man caught it masterfully even after this was dark and he was injured. 

'Sure enough, he is no normal person.' 

"You only have this much ?"

"Oh, I got enough, but talk first. How about starting with telling me your name." Kirito asked. 


No sound came for some time before the man replied.

"KID. Eustass Kid...




When Kirito enters the prison, an bad idea by the way, he wasn't planning on getting another member of the Worse Generation. 

KID, at Kirito, didn't even realise who this person was only until he actually talked with the guy. This was the same guy who Luffy met in Sabaody Archipelago. 

But that was ages ago so of course he didn't remember him. Not to mention, it wasn't like Kid himself was a very important character in the anime. 

The entire night he spent gathering information from the guy in exchange for food from him. Kirito had it enough anyway so it doesn't matter. 

Apparently, while Luffy and his crew were training and later on went to fight the likes of Dofalmingo, the kid himself was taking daring moves like attacking Shanks of all people. 

What in the world was the man thinking?


Kirito just sighed, after hearing this. But again he has to give it to the man, even after losing one hand against the redhead, he still had both motivation and sheer insanity to challenge another emperor, and thus he came here. To test his metal with Kaido. 

Again what was he thinking?

"Anyways, this is a good thing as long as that madman actually helps us overthrow Kaido. By the talk, he sounds like someone who has enough problems with the Kaido to turn into a part-time dragon slayer if given the right reason.

This with his pirate group included, I have to say things might really turn out better than I anticipated." Kirito mutters as today he was let out to work with other prisoners. 

Thus he started working on finding every single possible person he could in this prison to get himself the army he was looking for. 

And he wasn't alone in this. Around 100 clones of his transform into a prisoner who no one knows about currently were doing the same. 

And this was how he found a particular old man who attracted his attention. 

"Haki ?"

Yup, his sense was working better and better as time goes and now he suddenly found this one old man who had Haki. 

'A hidden master,' Kirito mused, he wasn't expecting to find someone strong here, at least not beside Kid. 

But hey, he will take it. 

This old man's name is Hyogoro. He is a chibi-looking grandpa with a bald head and some patches of blue hair, even his eyebrows were blue. 

He was wearing a scuba-driver kind of glasses. 

"Thanks for giving me this. I have no idea how to express my gratitude." said the old man with a little tears coming to his eyes. 

Here the prisoners have to work hard and do get something to eat. They technically get a ticket which they can exchange for food later on. 

Kirito found this a really good way to attract some people. Giving this tickets to this old man was the same. He wasn't sure whether this man can fight any longer or not but his Haki is strong. He can sense it. So he decided to invest in him a little.

Maybe he can get something in return ?