
"So how do you want to do this?"

Se Ah looked at Min Hyun who was zipping up his pants. The guy turned his head and looked at her with a blank expression.

"Well... I want you to be my S so... I guess we can just have sex whenever either of us feels like it?"

He smiled awkwardly while the woman rolled her eyes, then let out an annoyed sigh and rubbed her forehead.

"I don't know how you got into it in the first place but just to make it clear - S&M relationships are not just "having sex", it's more like an agreement between two people, a mutually beneficial partnership if you like."

"What do you mean?"

Se Ah sighed again - that's why she did not like to get involved with inexperienced people.

"We will have sex whenever we feel like it but it's not a romantic kind of sex, understand? I need a submissive partner, this is the only thing that gets me off, therefore, if you want to be my M, you need to enjoy being dominated and abused, otherwise, it will not work. You are free to take the lead in suggesting but everything else is up to me. Of course, I will take into consideration your preferences but the overall control still belongs to me. Is it clear?"

Min Hyun nodded slowly and looked at her from underneath his carefully shaped eyebrows like a scolded puppy. Miss Yoon continued,

"Do you have anything to add?"

The guy put on his shirt and brushed his long fingers through his thick black hair.

"Hmm... Can we... be exclusive?"

Se Ah walked up closer to him, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and pulled him down so that his face almost touched hers.

"Lee Min Hyun. We are not lovers, understand? I am free to fuck whoever I want and you are free to do the same."

She pushed him away by hitting him lightly on the chest and began picking up her clothes. The intern's face turned dark and serious as if he was gravely upset by Se Ah's words but when the woman lifted her head again, he could not do anything but smile.

"Is there anything else? If not, then you should go home now."

"Yes, Miss Yoon."

When the door behind Min Hyun finally closed, she let out a long exhale and fell on the floor.

"God, Yoon Se Ah... What did you just drag yourself into?"

Although she was anxious as to what was going to happen between them in the office, things ended up being exactly the same as if last night never happened. Se Ah was still wearing her peach matte lipstick, while Min Hyun still pretended to be bad at his job just so he could stay next to his senior longer. One thing still changed, however, and that was his bold attempts to provoke her.

"Lee Min Hyun, you've messed up the team's scheduling table."

Se Ah looked at him with a somewhat firm look and gestured for him to pull his chair closer to hers.

"Look here, table two and table four have missing rows, it will now take hours to fix it."

The guy placed his hands on top of his knees and bowed his head down.

"I'm sorry, Miss Yoon, I'll fix it right now!"

He then leaned forward and whispered,

"I think it will be more effective if you punished me though."

The woman furrowed her eyebrows, looked into his dark hazy eyes, and noticed that he was blushing all the way up to his ears. She had no choice but to admit that his cunning attitude was definitely a turn-on but she had to make it clear that the company office was off-limits.

"Min Hyun, be careful, if something goes wrong with my office life, I will not let you go that easy."

She whispered it carefully, making sure nobody heard it, and turned back to her computer screen, retaining a nonchalant expression, while the guy, on the other hand, had to make a huge effort to regain his composure back.

'Ugh, Miss Yoon... This is exactly what I want.'


The work accumulated due to Min Hyun's continuous mistakes made Se Ah completely forget about lunch, and when she finally decided to take a break, the clock was showing 4 PM and her stomach was already glued to her spine.

"Mr. Shin, I'm going to take my lunch break now."

"Ah, sure, Miss Yoon, enjoy your lunch."

With Team Leader's approval, she took her bag and went straight to the elevator but when she was about to press the button with the number zero on it, someone else's hand grabbed the door, followed by its owner's body stepping inside.

"Lee Min Hyun? Where are you going?"

The guy smiled and tilted his head.

"I'm going to have lunch, of course! I could not eat earlier because I had to fix that scheduling table but when you mentioned lunch, I finally realized that I was starving."

Annoyed by his sly behavior, she pressed the button and the doors closed. Min Hyun's body was almost touching hers and the warm, musky scent of his body started enveloping her, making it harder to breathe.

'Just what kind of perfume does he use? It's pleasantly overbearing.'

The moment that thought crossed her mind, his big hand slid down her spine, making its way down to her crotch, and when she turned her face to look at Min Hyun's face, he leaned down and whispered,

"Miss Yoon, what do I do? I can't hold it anymore."

Se Ah rounded her eyes and pushed the guy away.

"What did I tell you about doing it at work? If you can't hold it, go to the bathroom and take care of yourself."

Min Hyun placed his right hand on the woman's privates and started moving his middle finger over her pants, while gently kissing her ear.

"Miss Yoon, you have to help me. I need you to help me. Please."

The elevator stopped with a loud "ding" sound, and when the doors opened, Se Ah grabbed the intern by the hand and, after making sure that no one was around to spot them, dragged him all the way to the coffee shop's bathroom. She then locked the door, pushed Min Hyun down on the covered toilet seat, pressed her right foot on top of his junk, and said in a somewhat angry voice,

"You really like pissing me off, don't you?"

Min Hyun's face turned red with excitement. He grabbed Se Ah by the ankle and brushed his hand up along the inner side of her thigh with a mischievous smile on his handsome face.

"I'm sorry, Miss Yoon. I was wrong."