An Unexpected Visit

"It looks like the owner of the GS building we wanted to acquire for the new business center is considering selling it to another buyer. Apparently, they were offered more money."

The man in a neat black suit wiped his face and sighed upon hearing this news. He did not like what he was hearing. The other six men sitting on both sides of the black oak rectangular table seemingly shared his annoyance. They all were members of the top executive team of Yang Construction, one of the companies that belonged to YL Corporation, - the biggest construction company in South Korea that owned almost 50% of all commercial and residential buildings in Seoul alone.

The man that spoke first was Yang Hyun Woo - the CEO of the company and one of the most successful businessmen in the country who did not like to lose and who could always get anything he wanted. A tall handsome guy in an almost identical black suit and burgundy tie next to Yang Hyun Woo was Yang Min Seok, his older son who was next in line after his father to inherit his business. He brushed his hand through his short black hair and grinned.

"I assume it's that woman again? She does know how to get on our nerves. It's a shame, I thought we were finally moving closer to owning Gannam."

Byun Soo Kwang, the COO, and Mr. Yang's right hand crossed his arms in front of his chest as he looked down.

"We can just renegotiate, in the end, the building will go to the highest bidder. Both our companies have enough money and connections so we might as well pull some strings from behind the scenes if needed."

Everyone turned to face Lee Min Hyun. The man continued,

"That is... If he stops playing his little games and starts acting as if he belongs here."

Five pairs of eyes were intensely staring at Min Hyun whose nonchalant and rather laid-back demeanor seemed to annoy them even more than the pressing matter at hand. He rubbed his throbbing forehead, then leaned forward and said in a somewhat low voice,

"I don't see how my "playing around" is affecting the company, especially your deals with the property owners. What I do outside the company is none of your concern as long as it doesn't harm you, right?"

"Lee Min Hyun!"

Mr. Yang banged his clenched fist on the oak table and threw an angry glare at him as if he aimed to kill him on the spot with it. Min Hyun scoffed at that elderly tantrum.

"Be careful, father, stress is not good for your already weak heart. Anyway, what exactly do you want me to do about this deal? I am in charge of the hotel branch of our company, I don't see how this is any of my business."

Min Seok rubbed his lower lip with his index finger while staring at his brother's annoying smile, then sighed, and fixed his burgundy tie.

"Look here, Min Hyun. It is only thanks to our father that you and your little... "band of brothers" can live like normal people now. You are even in charge of a huge business branch that our family spent decades putting together, don't you think you should be more grateful and... more obedient when it comes to father's requests?"

Min Hyun bit his lower lip and glared at his brother from underneath his eyebrows as if he was a rabid dog ready to jump on whoever was closer to him at any moment, and his brother found it entertaining. He stood up, walked up to his younger brother, stood right behind his seat on the brown leather chair, and placed his hands on his tense shoulders. He then leaned closer, his face almost touching the back of his brother's head, and whispered,

"If you want "her" to be safe, gather your men and do what you have to do, understood?"

Min Hyun flinched and clenched his fists so hard, his knuckles were about to jump out of his skin. He hated it the most - every time they mentioned "her", his blood began to boil and he saw red; he hated the fact that he was nothing but a puppet to his so-called "family" and that he had nowhere to escape because it was not only his life that was owned by the Yangs but also the lives of the ones close to him.

The guy nodded his head quietly, then stood up and started walking towards the door when Mr. Yang called his name again.

"Lee Min Hyun."


"...Nothing drastic, just make sure he gives the building to us, alright?"

"Sure, father."

Min Hyun closed the door behind his back, leaned back on the wall, ran his long fingers through his thick black hair, and groaned. He then took the phone out of his jacket's inner pocket and called a number he knew by heart. After exactly two rings, a rather lively voice greeted him on the other end of the line.


"Yeah, Ji Seon... Gather a couple of guys and meet me in front of GS Real Estate in an hour. We need to talk to someone."

"Understood. See you in an hour, then."

Min Hyun wiped his face, put the phone back into his pocket, and started walking. His steps were heavy again.


Yoon Se Ah came out of the bathroom and sat in front of the TV with her hands supporting a fluffy pink towel carefully wrapped around her head. The drama channel has been on for a few hours already - having spent most part of her life studying and working, she did not get a chance to find herself a meaningful hobby, therefore, whenever she had free time to spend alone, her only source of entertainment was watching dramas and variety shows, however ridiculous they were.

Her attention was distracted by her phone's vibrating noise - Boss Kang wished to speak to her at once.

"Se Ah! You will not believe the evening I'm having! My daddy sent me to a meeting with an investor and the dude never showed up! So naturally, I went to one of our bars to check up on things and who do you think I met there? One of my exes!"

"Who? Lee Sol?"

The woman on the other line laughed and continued, with unexpected enthusiasm,

"If only! Choi Il Tae! Can you believe this? Apparently, he is now a regular at my host club!"

Se Ah widened her eyes in surprise.

"Really? I did not know he was bisexual."

"Well, apparently he is. Anyway, we started drinking together and reminiscing and then he tells me that there is this new hot app where you can find S&M partners both long-term and for a one-night stand and they were looking for a hub where they can all meet up so... I've decided to turn Red Velvet Bar into a sanctuary for the S&M community!"

She laughed again and Se Ah realized that her friend was already quite tipsy. Without giving her a chance to reply, Kang Da Hye coughed and continued,

"Alright, Se Ah, I have to go, it looks like I'm spending the night with Il Tae so talk to you tomorrow!"

"Wait, Da Hye!"

But Boss Kang had already hung up on her, leaving her nothing to do but sigh in disappointment.

"Geez, Da Hye, why would you sleep with him though."

She threw her phone on the couch, pulled down the pink towel, letting her still damp hair fall freely on her shoulders, leaned back on the couch, and closed her eyes.

'So she wants to turn Red Venvet into an S&M meetup place? That's actually not a bad idea, if you don't like the partner you got matched up with, you can just find someone else among other visitors.'

Her train of thought was interrupted by the melodic sound of her doorbell. Se Ah looked at the round clock on the opposite wall - 11 PM, an unusual time for a pop-up visit, especially since she was not expecting anyone. She stood in front of the door and was about to look into the peephole when a familiar low voice on the other side of the door called her name.

"Miss Yoon... It's me."

"Lee Min Hyun?"