Another Overtime [Mature]

What did he do that was so wrong? He was nice, considerate, attentive... He was not into S&M and yet he did everything she wanted. So why? He never complained about anything. So why? The love he has been harboring for her for almost five long years, the longing he experienced every time he saw her, the countless days he spent following her around, collecting things that belonged to her, trying to learn anything he could. So why wasn't she satisfied? What did he have to do? It was infuriating. It was torture.

The rest of the day went by like a haze. Min Hyun could not focus on anything - the previously easy tasks were now daunting and exhausting, words were jumping on the screen like fleas, his head was throbbing and his eyes were on fire. He felt miserable and sick.

Sitting right next to Miss Yoon, whose intoxicating cherry scent and entirely detached behavior were almost screaming at him, made it even worse to endure that anguish at least till the end of the day. But he still admired her - the way she was able to hold that cruel facade, the way she managed to torment him by simply doing nothing at all, her silence was his agony, and even though he found it difficult to hold back, he was able to find satisfaction even in her cruelty. He would gladly accept even hatred, as long as it was hers, as long as it was directed at him.

The clock was already showing 7 PM when Team Leader Shin turned his computer off and quickly gathered his things into his backpack. Everyone else took it as a sign that the day was finally over and followed his example of getting ready to leave, everyone but Yoon Se Ah.

"Another overtime, Miss Yoon?"

Miss Lee closed her big white purse and tilted her head to the right, waiting for a response. Miss Yoon moved her eyes up and looked back at her from under her eyebrows.

"I need to meet with the Team Leader Choi from the Development team to discuss something regarding his team's accounts, I'm waiting for him to finish his meeting."

"I see. What about you, Min Hyun? Aren't you going home?"

The intern shook his head without even looking at her and sighed.

"I have to finish the account update, the program is unusually slow today."

Miss Lee narrowed her eyes like a curious fox as he watched the two of them still immersed in their tasks, then clicked her tongue, and turned around, all ready to leave.

"Alright, see you tomorrow then!"

Min Hyun watched her leave and after a few minutes of complete silence, moved his chair closer to Se Ah's, leaned over her shoulder, and whispered,

"Miss Yoon, why did you lie? We share the schedule because you're still shadowing me, you have nothing scheduled for after 6 PM."

Min Hyun's hot breath tickled Se Ah's ear and she felt goosebumps covering her neck. She jerked her head away and said, still without looking back at him,

"Lee Min Hyun, you're not my boss, whatever I do or do not do, does not concern you."

The guy furrowed his eyebrows, then put his hand on the woman's thigh and started slowly moving it up and down as if teasing her. Miss Yoon flinched at that unexpected action and finally looked at Min Hyun's face with rounded eyes.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

The guy smiled and looked back at her with his eyes already dazed - he knew she enjoyed that look and he knew how to fake it when needed. Although she gripped his hand and tried to move it away, he did not mean to obey - his hand moved all the way up and started gently caressing her privates which made Se Ah's body respond in an unusual way. Again.

"Miss Yoon, I know this is not something we agreed upon but... How can you refuse when you are already this wet? And I barely did anything. Did you miss my touch that much?"

Se Ah crossed her legs, trapping his hand in between them, and grabbed the guy by his neck.

"Do you think this is funny? Stop it or I will hurt you for real."

Min Hyun had no choice but to laugh - her reaction was simply that adorable.

"Miss Yoon, don't you think this is exactly what I want? To be hurt by you? I am your M, after all."

He smiled again and kept touching her panties despite her attempts to stop him. It was obvious - Se Ah enjoyed it, no matter what she thought, Min Hyun seemed to always give her what she wanted, both in terms of physical sensations and emotional satisfaction.

Did she really miss his touch? Or did she just miss feeling good in general? Min Hyun's hand was already touching her bare skin, rubbing and massaging, playing her like an instrument, adjusting it to the right tone. She could not help but give up; his movements were way too stimulating to resist, and every time his fingers moved over her most sensitive spots, the only thing she could think of was how to hold herself back and not make any noise.

Pleased by her somewhat messed-up state, Min Hyun leaned closer again and nibbled on her ear, then moved down to her neck and slid his hot tongue down its back, and when his lips touched her left shoulder, he felt her body trembling, unable to take it anymore, so he bit on her skin and started moving his fingers even faster. A harsh, restrained moan left Se Ah's mouth as her body twitched almost violently and her loud breathing echoed through the quiet room. She lost.

Lee Min Hyun pulled his hand away and licked his fingers as if they were dipped in something sweet, he looked even more satisfied with the outcome of his misbehavior than Miss Yoon herself and could not help but grin. He then placed his other hand on Se Ah's cheek and tried to stroke it but she slapped it off, got up from her seat, grabbed her bag, and dashed out of the room as if following an urgent calling, leaving Min Hyun in a completely bewildered state.

"Miss Yoon..?"

The woman rushed into the bathroom and got into the last vacant stall, she then threw her bag onto the toilet seat, took off her soaked panties, and threw them into the trashcan as if they were a nuclear waste.

The amount of anger and confusion she felt at that very moment was overwhelming - she did it again, she crossed her own line, she let him violate her own rules and mess up her boundaries. She should have slapped him, tried to choke him, or hit him with something sharp or heavy, she should have run away. She felt disgusted. Everything was disgusting.

When Se Ah finally managed to get back to her senses and calm down, she fixed her skirt, grabbed her bag, and opened the door just to see Miss Lee standing right in front of her.

"M-miss Lee? I thought you had already left."

Surprised by her own loud voice, Miss Yoon looked down at her skirt again, making sure it looked fine, and Miss Lee did the same. When their eyes met again, Miss Lee smiled and took a step back, letting her colleague step forward.

"I was about to leave but my friend invited me to dinner, so I decided to wait for her here since the restaurant is in the building right across the street. Did you finish your meeting already?"

Se Ah nodded and turned away.

"Yeah... I'm sorry, Miss Lee, something urgent came up so I will leave first. Enjoy your dinner."

Miss Lee watched her disappear behind the door, then stepped inside the stall, threw a quick look at the open trash can, and grinned.

"Yoon Se Ah... So this is how your meetings usually go?"