The Hotel Room - 2 [Mature]


Se Ah widened her eyes for a moment, then started laughing uncontrollably which caught Sang Hyuk off guard.

"Why are you laughing?"

His genuinely bewildered expression made it even harder for her to compose herself. She kept laughing like a crazy woman and when that fit was finally over, she pushed him away and stood up.

"Lim Sang Hyuk... I like being on top and taking the lead. If you gonna act all dominant with me, I'm afraid it's not going to work."

Her surprisingly cold words made him rather angry. Why was she acting like that? He definitely did not expect that from Miss Yoon who is known to be kind and obedient. But more importantly... She acted completely different from what he heard of her from a certain someone.

The man stood up too, walked up to Se Ah, and brushed his messy hair back with an annoyed sigh.

"Se Ah... This is just a one-night stand, right? So indulge me. I promise you won't regret it, I'll make you feel good."

He placed his arms around her waist and buried his head in her chest, brushing his hot tongue all over her breasts. Se Ah could not help it, her hand moved on its own - she grabbed him by the hair and pushed him down, pressing his face to her crotch but instead of following her lead, Sang Hyuk only groaned and pulled his face away. It felt like the two of them were at war, and neither wanted to lose.

"Yeah, we cannot do this after all. I'll go first then."

She hastily put back on her panties and satin dress, grabbed her purse, then stopped right at the door and said, without turning around.

"Lim Sang Hyuk. Forget about tonight, let's pretend it never happened."

Se Ah closed the door behind her and started walking towards the elevators when she suddenly felt a strong grip on her wrist - Sang Hyuk turned her around, pinned her against the wall, then grabbed her face by the chin and swallowed her lips almost suffocating her. He moved inside her mouth like a snake in a wild frenzy, the heavy weight of his body pressing against her made it hard to move, she tried to wriggle her arms, but his big hand was holding both of her wrists with a such enormous force that it felt like they might snap any moment. She was trapped.

Not knowing what else to do, Se Ah bit hard on his lower lip and immediately tasted iron on her tongue. The man pulled away his face, touched his lips with one free hand, and once he noticed the blood on his fingers, he glared at her like a wild wounded beast, and shouted,

"You bitch!"

He raised that hand prepared to slap her when they heard loud steps coming from the emergency exit and a tall man in a black uniform with a tag that read "Security" clipped on his jacket walked up to them with a serious expression on his unexpectedly handsome face.

"What is going on here? Miss, is he assaulting you?"

Startled and confused, Sang Hyuk almost jumped away from Se Ah and scratched the back of his neck.

"N-no, of course not! She was just leaving and --"

"It's alright, sir, I apologize if we have caused any disturbance. I was meeting my friend here and now I'm leaving."

She offered both of them a light bow and disappeared behind the elevator door. It was finally over. At least for her.

Sang Hyuk wiped his bleeding lip once again and was about to go inside the room, when the security guard grabbed him by the neck out of nowhere, dragged him into the room himself, and threw him on the floor like a piece of garbage.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

The man shouted at him, obviously frightened, but instead of answering, the security guard took a step sideways and Sang Hyuk saw another tall man dressed in all black with his face covered with a black mask, slowly walking towards him.

"Hyung, should I leave it to you then?"

The masked guy nodded and gestured for the other man to go, and when the door behind him was closed, Sang Hyuk understood from the sound it made, that it was locked from the outside.

"Who the hell are you?"

"This is what I was going to ask you."

The guy crouched right in front of him, looked him up and down, then sighed, and brushed his big hand through his thick black hair several times. He then straightened back up and started slowly strolling around him as if purposely trying to scare Sang Hyuk even more.

"A five-star hotel, an expensive room with a view, a fancy bottle of champagne... I guess developers do earn a lot to splurge like this on a one-night stand. Isn't it cheaper to just get a prostitute?"

"Wh-what do you want?"

The mysterious guy grabbed a half-empty bottle of champagne, walked up to Sang Hyuk from behind, and poured its contents down on his head.

"What I want is for you to keep your dirty hands off Miss Yoon, it's that simple."

Sang Hyuk let out a nervous scoff and started frantically wiping his wet face.

"What the hell? Are you her boyfriend or something? Do you even know what you're doing right now? You're assaulting me! Wait, I'm calling the police, you'll--"

He could not finish his sentence because the masked man hit him on the head with an empty bottle. Dull but intense pain knocked him off his feet and dark blood covered half of his terrified face. Sang Hyuk was already half-unconscious but the other man did not mean to let him go just yet, he grabbed him by the hair and smashed his face into the wall, shattering his nose and teeth. Everything turned upside down, Sang Hyuk wanted to scream and cry but whenever he tried to open his mouth, he was hit again in a different place, which made him gasp for air instead. Another hit, another kick, another punch... At some point he could no longer feel anything, just his heavy body crushed with such unbelievable rage that it felt like he was already in hell. And when he could no longer endure it, he finally closed his eyes and lost consciousness.

The door to the room opened again. The security guy looked around the room first, then moved his eyes down to the seemingly lifeless man lying on the floor, and clicked his tongue.

"Min Hyun, couldn't you at least not damage the hotel property? I'll get scolded again!"

Lee Min Hyun took the black mask off his sweaty face and tossed it on the floor. He then looked at Sang Hyuk's messed-up body and smiled as he let out an exhausted sigh.

"Sorry, Ji Seon, this one is on me."

He placed his hand on Ji Seon's shoulder and said in a low voice,

"Drag him down and make sure he follows our instructions, alright?"

"Sure thing, hyung."

Ji Seon smiled and closed the door to the room, leaving Min Hyun alone in an empty hallway. The guy took out a crumpled pack of cigarettes from his pocket, put one in his mouth, lit it up, and inhaled its smoke as if it was his last cigarette at all.

'So... Now it's Miss Lee, huh?'