Pirate Bay

[Quest: Defense of the Homeland]

[With Pirates at bay and the chief away, you are tasked to lead the defense of the settlements. Being outnumbered, you must defeat the pirate forces using strategies and tactics.]

[Reward: (Skill) Harnessing Water Power]

[Time Limit: None]

[Failure: Death 20%; Slavery 80%]

[Accept the quest?]

[Yes] [No]

Death or enslavement. Linus sighed, accepting the quest as if he had any other choice. He was suspicious that the system hinted at battle, and accepting it now made it an inevitable event. Although he didn't have any evidence for it, his gut feelings told him so.

Linus shook the negative thoughts and instead asked, "Warrior Uncle, please tell me exactly how Pops got arrested."

"When we reached the gates of Nexus, the security was tighter than usual. The city guards seem to look for someone, interrogating anyone who wanted to enter. When our turn came, they took interest in the bronzewares and other treasures loaded in our wagon. They asked if they could take a look, to which the Chief firmly refused." the warrior paused his narration.

He continued. "That's when it all started. Although the Chief kept his cool, the city guards kept on nagging him to compensate them with something, but as the chief, he knew that the guards went beyond their authority. Pissed, one of them threw a fist at him, which he instinctively countered, knocking the man down. Under arrest, the Chief was charged by the warden of kidnapping. They used the Lady's missing guards and armaments as an excuse to escalate the charges."

BAM! Ray stomped on the ground in frustration, yelling "That's just ridiculous! Clearly they were in cahoots with each other! What did the lady say?"

"Lady Nora tried to defend the Chief, speaking on his behalf, but the warden didn't take her words seriously. He said that she must still be under the influence of threat coming from a belligerent kidnapper. She was sent home, but she promised us warriors to tell the Shepherd family head about the anomaly. She said she would get the Chief out as soon as she could."

BAM! Linus pounded the table once more. "I'll beat the filth out of those city guards myself should we cross each other in a narrow road. We have to wait for the 7 days that we do not have." After the pause, he turned to Ray, saying "Uncle Ray, we have to brace ourselves for the worst. Call an assembly."

With fury smoldering in his eyes, Ray could only nod slowly in agreement.

Gritting his teeth, Linus lamented his helplessness under the circumstances. Fighting the pirates would be a first for him as he only took the sidelines during the bandit expedition. The only thing he could do was to prepare and trust his guts that his knowledge of ancient warfare would help him win against his enemies.

At the newly constructed town hall, an assembly of warriors was called. Once again, the brave sons of Solus gathered, bringing their weapons with them. Although the news had not been officially announced, the idle chatter of the warriors hinted that the pirates' presence was no longer a secret.

Linus stood at the platform in silence, observing the crowd. Although many of these people was his father's most loyal followers, he wasn't sure they would listen to him, after all the Champion's position is decided by strength, not by heredity. He thought that it was the perfect time to browse the list of skills his followers have for acquisition.


[Class Skill]

[Type: Active Skill]

[Level: -]

[Duration: 5 minutes]

[From strength comes fame. Warriors admire other warriors based on their reputation. The Champion's class skill increases the charisma of its user among fellow warriors.]

Linus found the perfect one to use for the situation among Julius' class skills. Before he started his speech, he activated , increasing his compatibility with the crowd. Like magic, his mere presence on the platform drew the attention of the warriors in the hall.

"Sons of Solus, my mighty warrior uncles, I welcome you all to our new great gathering hall. I know that some of you already learned of the crisis. The pirates sent an expedition that threatens our settlements. Because of that, I wish to have your full cooperation in defending our towns, Solus and the Mountain fortress." Linus spoke.

"Where's Julius? There are many enemies out there. We need Julius! Aren't you just his little boy? You don't even have hairs down there yet and you'd like to lead us. Do you take us for fools?" One of the warriors unaffected by spoke out, complaining. Like a virus, his pessimism spread to the other warriors, nullifying the effect of the skill.

"Warrior Uncle. My father was summoned to Nexus to conduct business. He left the matters of settlement to me, making me the Deputy Chief." Linus addressed the man.

Ray supported him, persuading the crowd. "Brothers! This is no time to quarrel and question the Young Master. Hector! You dare speak when you weren't even present at the strategy meeting in the past. That's why you didn't know that our past few victories against the bandits were all according to the Young Master's careful planning. I doubted the stratagems too, but the results proved his tactical prowess real. Linus is Lord Enqui's favored, perhaps it isn't very far to conjecture that he must be Lord Enqui's spiritual son."

The hall grew noisier, with many of the warriors nodded in agreement to Ray's speech. It seemed like grew in its effectiveness, warming everyone's feelings towards their new Deputy Chief.

"If there isn't anything else to be said. We'll carry out a plan. As of now, we can only field 500 of our best warriors. It is reported that our enemies perhaps have double and even more than triple our numbers. Uncles, I would like you to look at this." Linus raised a bronze article in the air, its sharp tip shined, reflecting ambient light.

[ is in effect.]

"Uncles, this is a bronze spear tip. For this stratagem to work, we'll have to train all available men in the use of the spear. I wanted to give you more, but with the time and resources available, we can only field spears for use. Fortunately, these bronze tips are sharp and reliable that even clueless newbies should be able to use it in battle with organize tactics." Linus explained.

Linus further discussed how the spear formations work in the battlefield and how men should be trained in the use of the weapon. He even organized a platoon, demonstrating to them how the new tactics of the spear work.

He then deputized his skill to two of his combat commanders, so they could more effectively drill to the new recruits the new way of fighting. After disseminating his instructions, Linus ordered the warriors to start the draft of strong men for battle.

With the exception of craftsman due to their importance in logistics, all available young men were dragged from their homes and places of work to join the boot camp. Most businesses had to suspend their operations due to the preparations for battle.

It was indeed a busy day for Linus, at noon, he went to Simon's, instructing him and his carpenters to make a contraption that will make the defense of the Mountain fortress impenetrable for the pirate forces. Simon was delighted to work on the new invention, recruiting all available men to help in the endeavor.

Due to the urgency of the matter, the carpenters were forced to travel at night bringing with them their tools to the Mountain fortress. It was at the walls that their work was in most demand. But they weren't alone in the journey as Linus, Samir and his group of strong men joined them, until they split ways by the river ford.

"Samir, we'll camp here tonight. Tomorrow, you have to start harvesting the timber for our project. I still have to visit the mountain settlement, so I'll give you instructions before that." Linus told Samir.

"Affirmative Young Master. Whatever it takes to get back at the pirates, we'll do. We will punish them for their cruel ways." Samir replied, indignant.

[ is in effect.]

Late in the morning, Linus finished showing Samir and his fellow workers the structure that they had to build. The men continued logging, felling timber by the dozen. Linus was assured by Samir to complete the work the next morning.

In the afternoon, Linus came to the Mountain fortress. He saw Simon and his team of carpenters working on the finishing touches of the contraption. He looked up and admired the length of the crane neck arm, casting a shadow on his face. At inspection, he nodded his head in satisfaction of Simon's workmanship on the device.

"Good job, Old Simon. Even without these things, the Mountain fortress is already plenty intimidating. But we don't want to fall off guard. These devices give us assurance." Linus caressed the device's wooden frame.

"My boy, it's my pleasure to bring these new inventions to life. For as long as I live, I'll aid you create these things. Hahahaha!" the stout Simon laughed merrily.

Late afternoon, Linus had the men test the device. It was a success, the device operated as he recalled it during his studies in the university. Looking at the schematics back in the day helped bring this weapon on their side.

"Young Master!" A warrior scout ran to him, panting. "The pirates! They march in this direction. They are really after our Solus settlements, Young Master!" pale faced, the warrior reported the detail in a shaky voice.

"How many are there?" Linus asked him.

"Three thousand men, in my estimation! They're coming, they're coming!" the scout lost his calm, trembling in panic.

[ is in effect.]

Linus used the skill . He patted the warrior in the shoulder to calm him down. "Don't worry, I knew they'd come and the numbers were not beyond our estimates. Our enemies will regret setting foot on our lands." He looked at Simon and yelled, "SHOOT!"

A projectile was hurled in the air, inspiring confidence in the camp.

"If you fear them that much, stay in the mountains. Our fortifications will become the stuff of their nightmares. They'll never dare come near this fortress." Linus said in confidence.

Before the sunset, Linus traveled back to Solus settlement, and along the way, he checked Samir's work and as promised, they were done. He told them to stand by and gave additional instructions on their roles for the upcoming battle.

"Yes, Young Master, I can feel we could make this work. I swear!" Samir remarked.

At night, Linus returned to his home. Lina and Helena waited for him by the porch.

"Brother! We'll be okay, right?" Helena asked.

"Yes, we'll be fine." Linus kissed Helena on the forehead.

Tears pooled in Lina's eyes, but she held back from breaking down as she watched Linus comfort Helena.