The Ones In Chains

Rowan wondered what she might think, if she also knew his Soul was not from this universe, he had many secrets that he intended to keep safe, or else with his weakened state, he was doomed.

"I do not know what you are." Lamia said, "But we can work together, and as a show of good faith, I will tell you how to free yourself from the chains that bind you."

"From where I'm standing, it is clear that it's only you who is bound by chains, Lamia." Rowan gestured to the field surrounding her, "It is my help you require, for even though I'm inside a cage, I'm not chained."

Lamia smiled, "Oh, you are so very wrong, Rowan Kuranes. The children you killed were mine, and their deaths hurt me. No one can understand the depth of a mother's love, but their minds have been stolen from me, and my love for them has been turned into my chains. Same as you."