I Want It All (6)

When Rowan was back inside the Nexus, his all out speed was equal to twenty percent of his current speed, yet the damages he had done to his environment as he smashed into it with all the grace of a rhinoceros on crack were far lesser than what was applicable on this world.

He was smashing deep pits with every step he took, and he was slowly changing the surrounding terrain. From what he knew, flight abilities only came after the First Great Circle or if your bloodline had such inherent capabilities or could control wind or any other exotic elements.

Rowan noticed that his Telekinesis was steadily growing stronger, but he had no apparent method to train or develop it by himself, he just had to wait it out.

Returning his mind to the earth he was reshaping below his feet, he frowned as he pondered the difference between the two planets he had ever walked upon.