The Tales of Erohim (final)

"The light combined with the lifeblood of his mother and from it, they gave back life to the world. Once more, life in all its glory flourished under the tears of Erohim"

"They new men and beast began to worship Erohim, but their adulation did not bring him any joy. For his mother was dying, and he could do nothing but weep, and she died soon after, and his pain seemed to have no ending."

"Yet, his pain was what gave this world life."

"That was the state of things, Orum returned to find, his wife sundered in three parts and his son, a weeping mess. Orum was consumed with grief, and he no longer felt love for his son but instead was replaced by hate, and in a fit of rage he tore the weeping child to pieces with his bare hands."