Tell Me Everything

Rowan's reflection had been bolstered by the Essence taken by Vraegar, but even that has its limits, for already, he was beginning to feel the Essence being consumed in a drastic manner, his time was running out. In addition to that, the attraction from his body was increasingly getting more strenuous to push away, and only his impressive will power was what held the strong desire of melding into his body at bay. 

He turned to the Sovereign who had led the adoration, and he smiled at him, "Come to me child." 

The Sovereign seemed to shiver and he walked up to Rowan while folding his wings behind him, and he knelt on one knee. Rowan floated down to him and placed his glowing hand on his head, "oh my child, I've done you a great wrong, a Sovereign should never be without a name for so long." He turned to Eva and asked, "For how long have I been inside the darkness?"

Her eyes flashed at the phrase he used and she said, "today makes it the third year Creator."