Changing Colors

Silas made a gesture and the Spirit Matrix Orb floated down the platform until it was fifty feet ahead of the prospects. He focused on the hopeful below, "From the lowest rank, this Bead would glow red to signify a grade one talent, then yellow for grade two, green for grade three, Orange for grade four, purple for grade five, white for grade six and black for the highest grade seven."

Silas knew there were other colors apart from these seven for those monstrous individuals, but it was not common to see such an occurrence in tens of thousands of years, so he did not bother trying to declare it. Why should he relay information that had no bearing on anyone here?

"Now, the youngest of you, step forward and…"

Silas went mute in surprise when the Black Bead began to glow red. He paused and looked around in confusion, there was nobody close to the Spirit Matrix Orb and the test had not yet begun, why was it reacting?