Rank 2 Scripts

Silas slowly walked outside, in a few moments his spell would have accomplished its purpose. He grimaced in pain when the voice of Daniel who was shocked at his present appearance entered his ears,

"Disciple Brother, what happened to you? Is the master displeased? It is all the fault of that brat, isn't it? We should contact our master so she can reach the Great One."

Each word spoken by Daniel only increased Silas' rage and irritation, he had gone over the shoulders of his master and contacted the Archmage directly, it was all because of greed. He knew such a great find would give him considerable rewards.

Yet with this setback, he was now on the clock, and his future was grim if he failed. His anger burst out and he seized the young Acolyte by the throat, "Silence you whining mongrel, your foolish attempt at jealousy may have pushed that boy far from our reach. By the Light, if I'm able to, I should kill you now."