The Great Betrayer

When Rowan spoke those words, it carried a tone of finality, time seemed to stop, everything went still… Yet this was the Forge, a space that was as close to a fifth Dimension as possible, and time was not the ultimate ruler here.

Rowan's voice transcended the limit of time and he continued speaking, whomever owned that voice was no longer just speaking, rather they were actively trying to thwart his efforts,

"My Empyrean birth may have been as an Ouroboros Serpent, but that is not all of my nature, but a minor part of it, and it should not determine all I am to be. If my future is to be determined by Chaos… Then I am no longer a Child of Chaos!!!"

Several pained roars emerged from the Core above, and Rowan's ears and eyes exploded and his corporeal body went blind, but his consciousness no longer needed such limiting organs like eyes to understand his environment, however, that did not last for long.