Bless Me Father

The two Archmages, proud of their conquest returned to the platform and settled back on their thrones, fully assured of their power and dominance.

"Hah… what a prize we just hauled in. Hey, where is Hashim?"

"See for yourself. There is something wrong with the Ascension of the Black Tower's Seed. I know it's impossible for such a talent to exist without great drawbacks. What is the use of all that power when your road to the top would be plagued by such great uncertainties?"

"Well, I'm sure the Black Tower would do all it can to find the best treasures for their Seed, and before we get to the division of loot, we need to scrape through this entire region, something tells me more bounty is on the way. I can feel the pulse of Fate, and something magnificent is about to show up, perhaps it would lead to many unimaginable benefits for us. We should scour every single inch of this place, nothing should go unchecked."