Who Is The True Traitor?

Rowan hurriedly ran through the knowledge he knew about Minerva while pairing it with the impression Boreas had about this goddess.

The most likely result that he derived was that she was the creator of the Order of Broken Eye, then which meant she was in league with his father. There would be no other reason for her Anima to be present deep inside the Nexus where she was overseeing a page of his Primordial Record while birthing a mysterious clone that Rowan had slaughtered.

Rowan looked deeply at this goddess. She sat with her hands folded primly on her thighs, her eyes looked down and away from the gods, others might call it a sign of reservation but Rowan recognized it for what it was. Contempt. Although she tried to hide it, Minerva held nothing but contempt for the gods.