Web of Seeking

The creation of a second Singularity would be a clarion call to all the great powers in all of creation, even the Primordials would be drawn to this dying universe. This would lead to a war that would end all wars. Everyone would want to control this Singularity, right before inside this small universe, their gaze would turn to Rowan.

The decision was before Rowan. Merge with the Primordial Record, and for a short moment he would be invincible, but he would draw the attention of all the great powers in creation. If he survived this first clash with every Primordial in existence, and perhaps a few more battles with them, he would become invincible.

He would be able to perfectly control and develop all this bloodline, creating a body of power that was unbreachable.

If he fails, he dies, along with the Primordial Record.