Dusk... Dawn

Eva's order rang out like the crack of a whip, and her orders were answered with unrivaled fervor.


The roars from the throats of hundreds of millions could shatter continents, the Children of the Ouroboros had multiple gifts, but their most dominant trait was strength. They were mainly predisposed to become close combat fighters, but they had certain bloodline powers that made them deadly at range.

What Eva did was find a way to make all of them unleash that talent in sync. It was the only way to create a proper army out of them, their collective ability unleashed as one was far greater than any of them could ever unleash individually.

Clad in heavy armor that weighed hundreds of tons, the children of the Ouroboros dropped their weapons and slammed their palms together, the golden glow of Eruption began to emerge between their palms and brightened dramatically as if they were holding a star between their palms.