
The funny thing here was that before entering this hidden space which was now rapidly beginning to shrink, Rowan had no idea that the Chaos Door would be here or his arrangement with him, but just as it happened with the unexpected return of his soul, he had been fed a quick burst of information about what the Chaos entity was, but the information was bare-boned and Rowan had to play a lot of thing by the ear.

This meant his hypotheses about his previous plans were correct. There were many missing pieces in his memories, and certain events, even his deaths in this world which might appear to be very shocking, but ultimately he was still in control.

 His past self was playing a dangerous game across time, and he was depending on the ingenuity of his future self to push their plans to fruition. Looking back now it was so simple if he thought about it for long enough, the name of the Sixth dimension was Memory/Mind.