Are You Ready To Listen?

The golden giant could barely grunt under the pressure of his bloodline refinement going into overdrive. He closed his eyes in shame and anger as he began figuring out new ways to accelerate his bloodline refinement. Previously everything he did was to get more with less, he had never imagined that he would ever be presented with excesses of these magnitudes. 

Creating hundreds of techniques in every moment and refining them to find out the best one, he knew that for a short moment, he was out of the battle, but he vowed it would not be for long, no one could hold him down for long.

Lost muttered, "Kids these days, only know how to talk and do not listen. All that talk and you could barely last before the first round began. Your poor, poor wife."

Rubbing his hands together, he cracked them, "Okay, time to show you magic. You should have taken my offer to understand what a real battle is like, but I guess you are someone who learns by doing."