Mind Shock

The walk to the Mountain of Mourning was an enlightening one for Rowan because overhead the heavens were different, there were ten suns above, five were bright and five were dark, and they split reality in two.

In the north was total darkness, held totally by Calamity, and in the south was light, held by Ascendants. In this time the ten suns never set, their power kept everything in balance, and in the center that divided darkness and light was a region of twilight on which there were ten massive mountains.

Five of the mountains belong to an Ascendant power and the other five to Calamity. During this time there were five massive Ascendant Lines, all descendants of the Ascendant Suns, and they created kingdoms to foster new Ascendants for their bloodline.

Resembling a volcano, but with the top of it flat and with a circumference of a thousand miles, this massive mountain and the other mine could be seen rising into the clouds half a world away.