In that vision of the past, one of the Primordial Beasts, the Torch Dragon, was killed, and according to the Primordials, his essence was to be used as a foundation to build upon the future, unlike the slaughter that happened at the end of the Primordial Era, the deaths of the Primordial Beast was a meticulous affair that was properly planned out and not as a result of revenge.
The Primordials were building the future on the bodies of the Primordial Beast and the true understanding of what this meant was when Rowan compared the Primordial Beast to himself, a living dimension.
Inside his dimension, many generations of lives had gone by, and with the ever-expanding size of his dimension plus the new generation of inhabitants living inside him who had no idea of who he was, or that they were living inside a sapient dimension, they simply saw their surroundings as something that ever was, and ever will be.