Rowan grinned internally, that question was a loaded one, and it was easy to fall into the machinations of Caine and Shamaran, his response could mean the difference between being a bystander who wished to play on the rivalry between this two, to becoming one of their pawns, and so naturally Rowan chooses the former.
"The ignorant are fearless. I am just a small immortal as you know, and my answer to the questions that you are asking would be both correct and incorrect. I do not know fear, but I also admit there are many things I don't understand. How could I stand here and best my chest thinking I am infallible in my thoughts when I know that both of you can crush me with a single thought."
Shamaran laughed, "You are wise Rowan, do not forget the title given to Caine, you should find out the truth for yourself before making the decision that would shape your future for all eternity.