The face he had seen had thrown all of his preconceived notions about his origin to the dust and had thrown his mind into disarray.
Rowan squeezed his hand, shattering the memory as rage filled his heart. There was a faint sound of a despairing cry as the last of Shisu vanished.
His shoulder shaking in agitation, Rowan closed his eyes and breathed in, then out, slowly adjusting his mental state. His rage needed the right outlet to be expressed, and it did not help that most of what he was feeling was not rage but helplessness.
Feeling a touch on his left hand, Rowan opened his eyes to see the Avatar of Serathis looking at him in concern, he smiled at her and she beamed bringing up a spoon of her food to give to him, and Rowan shook his head,
"I have mine here… see," gesturing towards his plate, "Enjoy yours."