Chapter 1: The Tutor

The sun was setting over Tokyo as Vincenzo Marino made his way to the address he had been given. He was a hitman, one of the best in the Luciano family, and he had been sent to Japan on a mission. His task was to find Alex Luciano, the direct descendant of Luciano Primo, and tutor him to become the next boss of the family.

As Vincenzo approached the address, he saw a young man sitting on the steps of the entrance, staring off into the distance. He looked to be around 17 or 18 years old, with messy brown hair and a soft expression. This must be Alex Luciano.

"Excuse me," Vincenzo said as he approached. "Are you Alex Luciano?"

Alex turned to him and gave a small nod. "Yes, that's me. Who are you?"

"My name is Vincenzo Marino. I'm here to be your tutor."

Alex's eyes widened in surprise. "Tutor? What do you mean?"

Vincenzo sighed. He knew this was going to be difficult. "Alex, you're the direct descendant of Luciano Primo. You have a responsibility to your family to become the next boss. I've been sent here to train you for that position."

Alex looked away, a pained expression on his face. "I know, but I don't want to be the boss. I never wanted this life. I just want to live a normal life."

Vincenzo could see the fear and uncertainty in Alex's eyes. He knew this wasn't going to be easy, but he had a job to do. "I understand how you feel, Alex. But you have a duty to your family. You can't just run away from it."

"But why me?" Alex asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "There must be someone else who's better suited for this than me."

Vincenzo placed a hand on Alex's shoulder. "Your bloodline is strong, Alex. You have potential. You just need someone to guide you and show you the way."

Alex looked up at Vincenzo, his eyes searching for something. "Can I think about it? I need some time to decide."

Vincenzo nodded. "Of course. But don't take too long. Your family needs you."

As Vincenzo walked away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. This was going to be a long and difficult journey, but he had to do it. For the Luciano family, and for Alex.