chapter12 : training for the battle of the rings part 3

Angelo was excited to begin his training for the upcoming battle against the Diablero family. His dad, Vittorio, was a retired swordsman and had agreed to teach Angelo everything he knew.

They started their training in their family dojo, with Vittorio teaching Angelo the basic stances and movements of sword fighting. Angelo was a quick learner and picked up the techniques quickly.

As they continued their training, Vittorio noticed that Angelo was having trouble with his footwork. "You need to be lighter on your feet, son," Vittorio said, demonstrating the proper technique.

Angelo followed his father's example, but his movements were still clunky. Vittorio shook his head. "You're too tense," he said. "Relax and let the movements flow."

Angelo tried to loosen up, but he was still having trouble. "I don't know if I can do this, Dad," he said, frustration clear in his voice.

Vittorio placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "You can do this, Angelo," he said firmly. "You just need to believe in yourself and keep practicing."

With renewed determination, Angelo continued his training. Day by day, he improved, until finally, his movements were fluid and graceful.

Vittorio smiled proudly. "You've come a long way, son," he said. "I think you're ready for the battle ahead."

Angelo beamed with pride, knowing that his hard work had paid off. He thanked his father for his guidance and promised to make him proud in the upcoming battle.