chapter 15 : training for the battle of the rings part 6

Hiroto Nakamura was ecstatic when he learned that he was chosen to be the next lightning guardian for the Luciano family. He was determined to become stronger and prove his worth to the family. His training was to be with the current lightning guardian, Francesco Rossi, a formidable warrior with years of experience. Who was sent by the current boss to prepare hiroto for the battle agains the diablero family.

Francesco Rossi met Hiroto at the school grounds, where they would be training. The two of them bowed to each other in respect before they started their training. Francesco then explained to Hiroto that lightning is all about speed and precision. To master it, he would have to hone his reflexes and agility to a level beyond what he was capable of.

Hiroto nodded his head, ready to begin his training. Francesco Rossi started by throwing a lightning-fast punch towards Hiroto's face. Hiroto, barely managing to dodge it, realized that he needed to be much faster than he currently was. Francesco continued to throw more punches and kicks, forcing Hiroto to dodge and counterattack at every opportunity.

Hiroto was exhausted, but he knew that he could not give up. Francesco Rossi was impressed by Hiroto's dedication and determination. He decided to take it up a notch by adding his own lightning element into the mix.

Francesco Rossi channeled his lightning element into his fists and legs, unleashing powerful attacks towards Hiroto. Hiroto, being new to the lightning element, struggled to keep up. He was getting hit left and right, but he refused to give up.

Francesco Rossi could see that Hiroto was pushing himself to the limit, and he decided that it was time to end the training session. He walked up to Hiroto and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"You have a lot of potential, Hiroto," Francesco Rossi said. "With hard work and dedication, you will become a great lightning guardian for the Luciano family."

Hiroto smiled, grateful for the training that he received. He knew that he had a long way to go, but he was ready to work hard and become stronger.For the battle against the diablero family which was the day after tommorow