Chapter 4 : Slaughter

[Omniscient POV]

Hell on earth would be the best description, beings in futuristic golden armor appearing out of portals around the city,green skin with neon lines, no eyes and just a maw of teeth to call a face spewing fire and snatching up anyone they can.

At least that how it started until someone with white hair in a black battle suit of some kind with silver and white accents appeared and started tearing them apart.. sometimes literally. He was using some kind of martial arts a very brutal one to say the least if his fist hit an area on these being it exploded in gore, a terrifying spectacle to witness.

The people were thankful for there would be protector, who then can only guess is the phantom who's been active for a few years now stoping crime around DC, using hit wind based abilities, the very ability that exposed his identity as he used it cut through these beings armor like tofu and to create vacuums around fires and barriers of wind around civilian in the crossfire.

The Media make call them vigilantes and the people agreed for them most part, but a time like this when the chips were down, here he is defending them the people of Washington DC from this invasion and for that he was a hero to them.

[Ezekiel POV]

Clawing another Parademon into pieces as I assess the situation. Wonder Woman was with saving Air Force One or near the White House since Steve Trevor brought her to meet the president. Not that any of that mattered as I punched another Parademon on the chest and watched as its uper half exploded upon impact. Tiger Slaughter Fist was a godsend quite literally I suppose, perfect for an invasion of this scale. My punches went from send them flying dozens of meters away to punching holes through they chest to death upon impact. And thought I'm sure they lose the fear off death upon creation witch makes them quite the formidable foot soldier with there strength in numbers, I'm the worst possible opponent for that strategy.

The longer the battle invasion goes on, the more Parademons I out down, the slaughter Qi I accumulate the stronger my punches become the less effort I require the less stamina I burn. A vicious cycle for them the perfect conditions for me.A vicious smirked was under my mask as I finished that thought process while killing what felt like my five thousandth Parademons, I realized I had mostly thinned the heard as mostly strays remained and the boom tube they came through was closed. I unleashed price wind slashes to kill the strays and jumped to the nearest rooftop to get a better look at the situation.


Another boom tube open up two streets ahead, I jumped into the ait and kick the air behind me creating a small shockwave that launches in that direction. A hundred or so Parademons have already poured out the boom tube, good news is there heading in my direction. Time for the big guns, everyone in the vicinity has evacuated by now. Cocking my right hand back, I hold for a second and then launch it forward at full force.


A giant column of air pressure with a roaring tiger at the front it launched from my fist towards the approaching Parademons. The Parademons are pulled in through the tiger mouth and shredded or crushed by the chaotic winds in the air column. The technique picks up more speed as I use the surrounding winds to boast it even more as it heads towards the open boom tube. The last of the Parademons that exited the boom tube was shredded by the technique now dyed red in blood as it enters the boom tube. Once the hole column is through I mentally command it to detonate.


An explosion could be heard and and the shock wave could be felt as my hair fly back form the force of the shock, however I don't budge. My focus solely on the boom tube to see what comes next. After a few seconds of waiting for more Parademons to come through the boom tube closes much to my surprise. However before I can plan my next move a new boom tube open, but no Parademons come through. I felt my opponents presence before I laid eyes upon them.

My opponent was a blonde woman in white armor with gold accents a sword sheathed on her hip, I don't recognize her but one thing was certain, she was far stronger that a mere Parademons. I ready my self in the slaughter fist stance my hands glowing in an vicious red Qi, that gives off faint roars, something it didn't do before, though I'm far to focused on my opponent to notice.

My opponent noticing my actions smirks.

: So your the reason so little progress has been made on this front of the invasion.

I narrowed my eyes in response, making up my mind that depending on how the initial clash goes I may have to transform to face this opponent.

My opponent maintains her smirk but raises an eyebrow at my lack of response.

: No much of a talker I see. That's fine defender of earth.

She cracks her knuckles.

: My name is Gilotina, loyal furry of Lord Darksied. Tell me your name warrior, for it may be the last thing you say before I slice through that enchanted armor and your flesh.

I showed no outward reaction, but was surprised could tell my suit was enchanted with a glance, though I doubt she could casual slice though something R.O.B enchanted, I wasn't looking to test it. Her name sounded somewhat familiar and as I continue to look at her her blue eyes and red lips, I seem to recall a fury name Gilotina that was said to have the ability to slice through anything. Although I remember her having pink armor in the comics.

:My name is Byakko and you will not find victory with ease Gilotina.

Her smirk turned vicious.

: If you think because you slaughter some mere Parademons you stand a chance again a New God your in for a rude awakening.

She gets into a stance of her own and we started off, before she launches herself at me with impressive speed and cocked her left fist back, though I knew she was still holding back, because as I do exchanged blows I feel like she was testing the waters. I do the same to get a guage of her power output, while making sure not to let my guard down.

As we continue to exchange blows she starts to increase her strength, I return the favor. And as we continue to increase our output, clashing up and down the street, in mid air , each blow that met each other generated a shock wave.

Deciding I've got a good enough gauge on her, I weave her next blow got into her guard and hit with a guy blow, stunning her with sudden increase to full power in my base form. Before che could record I hit with a jumping knee and combo with a spin kick that sent her flying ac into the building behind her generating a dust cloud on impact. I landed and prepared for her next move, know that wasn't enough to put her down.

I proved right as I hear footsteps approaching from the dust cloud, as she exists with a few scuff marks on her armor and face but looking no worse for ware. She dusts herself off

: You are strong Byakko, but that level of strength isn't enough to defeat me.

She then draw her sword and gets into and air tight stance. The chance in her presence telling me all I need to know. Now she's serious. I can beat her in my base for if I boost myself with Qi, but the fight would take time and I need to finish it quick and get to metropolis for the showdown against Darksied. Willing my transformation that's mostly hidden by my armor with the exception or my eyes,fangs,claws, ears and tail,my muscles swell as my instincts raored in satisfaction, I see he eyes winding a fraction at my change.

: Since your going all out Gilotina, I shall respond in-kind .

I grinded letting my fangs show. Her vicious smirk returns to her face. This will be the final clash. Just like the last bout she charged first I met her midway, the result of the clash generated a massive shock wave that shatters windows and sends vehicles flying. If anyone was here watching they would have noticed both combatants had matching smirks on there face.