Chapter 13, This Marriage Must End!

Money isn't everything. But without money, you're really screwed! All these years Bai Xiao has been slaving away abroad, and wasn't it all for money?

"Miss High-and-Mighty isn't chasing after money, but dreams!" Bai Xiao said, lifting her head and puffing out her chest with pride.

"Yeah, yeah, dreams! To ride a dream as one's steed, to soar freely. Now, are you going back to the Bai Family or to the Ye Family?" Liang Qiu looked at Bai Xiao and asked.

The "dream steed" quickly disappeared as Bai Xiao meekly stretched out her hand, "Give me some money."


Liang Qiu's lips twitched, "You, short on cash?"

"I lost my luggage, no phone, no wallet, nothing," Bai Xiao said despondently, her little hand waving in the air, "Hurry up, are you giving it to me or not?"

"Here, here, here!" Liang Qiu quickly pulled out his wallet, not bothering to look, and handed over all his cash.

Bai Xiao took the money and put it into her little leather bag.

Liang Qiu's eyes brightened, "This is a nice bag! Weren't you supposed to buy me one? You said they were out of stock, yet you're enjoying it yourself."

"Ye Huang bought it," Bai Xiao sighed as she walked out.

She really didn't know where the road was leading her now.

The marriage certificate was real, she had married Ye Huang. She had just dozed off on the way home, and when she woke up...

"I'm utterly despondent."

Exiting the civil affairs office, Bai Xiao sat down on the steps with her hand propping up her chin, staring ahead, forlorn!

Liang Qiu had no choice but to console her, "Since it was Ye Huang who conned you, divorce is impossible. You might as well accept reality!"

"How do I accept it?" Bai Xiao turned her head to look at Liang Qiu, biting her lip tenderly, with a layer of mist forming in her eyes, looking unbearably aggrieved.

Liang Qiu felt his scalp tingle and quickly looked away, "Miss, just say what you want, can you stop looking at me like that, please?"

"Help me get a divorce," Bai Xiao said.

This marriage had to be annulled!

Liang Qiu was so scared he slid down the steps.

Bai Xiao continued to stare at Liang Qiu with her watery, pitiful eyes—her ultimate move! Specially designed to work on Liang Qiu!

Liang Qiu got up, scratching his head as he stood aside, "Go ahead and stab me with a knife! I can't do this."

"Actually, it's possible," Bai Xiao smiled seductively, "Help me make Ye Huang wear a green hat, and this marriage is history."

Upon hearing this, Liang Qiu froze for a moment, then turned and ran.

Bai Xiao got up and chased after him, "Why are you running? Stop right there!"

Liang Qiu had already climbed onto his motorcycle, ready to start it.

"Liang Qiu, if you dare run today, we're through!" Bai Xiao stomped her foot and said fiercely.

Liang Qiu had no choice but to stop, looking at Bai Xiao with a miserable expression, "Miss Bai, spare me, please! If I dared make Ye Huang wear a green hat, would I still be alive? I'm still young, and I cherish my life."

"What a wuss!" Bai Xiao cursed.

"So what if I'm a wuss! As long as I'm alive, it's all good," Liang Qiu spread his hands.

Bai Xiao was out of options. This was just a fake green hat; she needed someone trustworthy.

Liang Qiu was also known as a little tyrant in Songcheng; if even he didn't dare help her make Ye Huang wear a green hat, who would?

"How about asking your parents what's going on?" Liang Qiu suggested.

Bai Xiao scratched her head and agreed, "Alright then, take me back to the Bai Family."


Bai Xiao climbed onto Liang Qiu's motorcycle.

Liang Qiu's motorcycle was an eye-catcher, and with a beauty in a red dress on the back, it attracted even more attention. Passersby pointed and talked, some even took out their phones to snap photos and post online.

Just then, a black Rolls-Royce Phantom drove by, heading straight for Liang Qiu's motorcycle at high speed!