Chapter 42, Divorce! Divorcing Today!

Ye Huang's movement of cutting the steak paused.

"Why else would you fall ill in the dead of night? And in such a frightening way?" Bai Xiao put down her chopsticks, propped her chin with one hand, and continued to inquire.

She didn't know that her expression at this moment spelled out sincerely in two words: concern! In capital letters and bold.

Ye Huang looked at her face, and something began to stir in his dark eyes.

"Ye Huang, if you're sick, then you need treatment. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Just tell me straight, what illness do you have?"

"You say your family is so wealthy, the President of Country A is your own uncle, you can pick any famous doctor in the world! Just tell me!"

Ye Huang set down his knife and fork and quietly watched her, "Why do you care about me?"

"Huh?" Bai Xiao was stunned.

"Falling for me?" Ye Huang asked again.