Chapter 44, Simple and Crude but Highly Effective

Soon, Chen Wenxiang and Bai Xuan came in arm in arm. The affectionate way the mother and daughter interacted stung Bai Xiao's eyes.

Her mother had never held her hand like that! All the love that a mother in the world should give to her child belonged to Bai Xuan alone!

Even though Bai Xuan had never actively competed with her for anything, Bai Xiao just couldn't stand the sight of her.

"Sister, Mom and I came to see you," Bai Xuan said sweetly as she entered, placing the fruit basket she brought on the coffee table.

"Take any seat you want," Bai Xiao said gloomily as she sat at the dining table, without moving. "Wait till I finish breakfast."

Bai Xiao picked up her chopsticks; her noodles had turned into a mushy mess, becoming even more unappetizing when she stirred them.

The Ye Family's living room was both large and luxurious, so why not entertain guests there?