


Having gotten disappointed in two important situations, Kairav tried staying away from everyone to maintain a calm disposition before his wolf took control and he murdered innocents. 

When that happened, he knew he had to stay away from work, Skai and Sydney. 

He did not bother Damien or Jared, wanting to give them time as requested. Whether or not the two of them had plotted to do this, Kairav was lost completely.

But regardless, no one needed to know his true mission. 

All through the night he barely caught a wink of sleep and it finally came, Sydney's charm worked stupid wonders in enranging him. 

She sent a text message first thing that morning. 

Sydney: Why haven't you given me news of Skai's death as a proper morning greeting?

"Only a lousy lonely bitch would speak like that," Kairav spat and groaned. 

Sydney did not leave things at that and forwarded another message to Kairav.