


Shane knew he had to contain his anger lest he reacted in ways that could further destroy them and one of those was avoiding Yasmin for the time being. 

However, just as Shane crossed the door, his eyes lowered, remaining glued to Yasmin's phone and her wallpaper when his forehead ran into something hard.

"Ouch!" He groaned from the contact, lifting his head but as soon as he locked eyes with the person, his frown deepened.



A moment's pause followed as both men glared at each other. "Why are you here?"

"Am I not welcome in my home anymore?" He lifted his brow, daring his father to say the word. 

"No one but yourself chased you out in the first place. I'm just curious as to what the prodigal son came for."

Shane fumed. He tried not to let his anger show but his father had always been one to tick them off. 

"I called your line and you didn't respond to my call."